Angry Joe plays random indie game, but this time the game actually looks kinda fun. Shame the same thing couldn't be said for Joe's gameplay video, him being loud and angry just makes parts of the video unwatchable. I mean he get's so loud and angry because of his own inability to play the game right, he even get's really salty because chat is pointing out his flaws. I mean he should be able to take criticism without acting like everyone in the world is out to get him, take a chill pill for crying out loud. Anyway, check out the video if you want but be prepared for some Mexican bitching and moaning about chat. Toodles.
Original comments:

I see that you respond to everything MD said in the comments and changed your blog title for the sake of him.
This just confirms that you are obsessed with him. So much for satire.
This just confirms that you are obsessed with him. So much for satire.

What are you retarded, do you speak in italics and bold because you think your cool. Dumb as a day old donut as I always say, yeah and I'm obsessed with him because you say so, yeah not a chance buddy. Keep on pretending your some cool cat wearing a fedora.

No, you're obsessed with me because your actions show that you're obsessed with me.

U mad bro?

Given how I have triggered you into retitling your blog with yet another lie, I would say that you're the mad one here.
And your blog is once again proof.
And your blog is once again proof.

U fag bro?

If you had bothered to read the comment harry you would know the answer to that question.
But given your tendency to believe your delusional fantasies over reality, I'll do you a favor and answer that question: I never claimed I was a faggot. I claimed the exact opposite. Ciaran is lying to you. As usual.
But given your tendency to believe your delusional fantasies over reality, I'll do you a favor and answer that question: I never claimed I was a faggot. I claimed the exact opposite. Ciaran is lying to you. As usual.

Cry me a river.

Judging by the fact that you retitled the blog the way you did, you're the only one crying here Ciaran, and it looks like you are crying the entire Niagra Falls.

Ciaran can do whatever the flying fuck he wants. Its his life, his choices, maybe md influenced him. But in all reality who gives a shit? Is Ciarans blog the most important thing in your life? Probably not.

Confucius has spoken!

Hey, I'm just trying to help Ciaran.
I'm giving him actual criticism and feedback. Unlike him, I'm actually trying to help someone.
I'm giving him actual criticism and feedback. Unlike him, I'm actually trying to help someone.

B-But I'm only doing what Joe does, I don't accept actual criticism or feedback.


Then why are you lying, silly?

Greetings Christians, are you ready to die?

Maybe you should actually start giving criticism before you can criticize him for not taking your criticism.
Have you ever considered acting like a rational human being? It does wonders if you want to help a youtube reviewer improve their show. Besides, if you did what Joe did, wouldn't that make you a liar too? Afterall, you keep claiming that Joe lies constantly, so if you're only doing what Joe does, wouldn't that mean you have never told the truth once?
Have you ever considered acting like a rational human being? It does wonders if you want to help a youtube reviewer improve their show. Besides, if you did what Joe did, wouldn't that make you a liar too? Afterall, you keep claiming that Joe lies constantly, so if you're only doing what Joe does, wouldn't that mean you have never told the truth once?

Ah, MD raises his ugly head yet again.

"Angry Joe Sucks (Valid criticism) MadDemon64 Admits He's a Faggot"
this title is like in dragon age, walking around in orzammar and heard the person(who supports harromont), and says "MD admits being a faggot! avoid the faggot! lord harromont attempts to eradicate MD! MD rapes harromont's men because he's a faggot!!"
oh well....
might as well eat my popcorn and watch how this plays out.
this title is like in dragon age, walking around in orzammar and heard the person(who supports harromont), and says "MD admits being a faggot! avoid the faggot! lord harromont attempts to eradicate MD! MD rapes harromont's men because he's a faggot!!"
oh well....
might as well eat my popcorn and watch how this plays out.

I understood that reference.

If you had bothered to read my comment Ciaran, you would not have come to the incorrect conclusion that you did. Or maybe you did read it and decided to lie.
Which is it Ciaran? Do you have zero reading comprehension skills, or are you a liar?
Which is it Ciaran? Do you have zero reading comprehension skills, or are you a liar?

Are you stupid or don't you already know the answer? Oh wait, I've already answered the questions: you're stupid.

Both then.
Thanks for answering Ciaran. Now, if you want to retain any credibility, you are going to have to retitle your blog as "Ciaran lies to your face about everything he talks about".
Oh, wait, you never had any credibility.
Thanks for answering Ciaran. Now, if you want to retain any credibility, you are going to have to retitle your blog as "Ciaran lies to your face about everything he talks about".
Oh, wait, you never had any credibility.

Why would I change it, it's perfect the way it is?

Again, because it's a lie. We all know it's a lie. It's only purpose, despite your initial malicious intentions, is to demonstrate how intellectually dishonest you are.
You should change it because it only harms you by keeping it up there.
You should change it because it only harms you by keeping it up there.

Thanks for your considerations, but I'll keep it the way it is.

Stay un-classy, Chilly.

And just as you say that Ciaran, you change it.

Yeah, because the blog ain't about you nitwit. But if you missed that special part I'll add it back in.


Welcome to our womb, pathetic Christians.

It's not about me?
But I though that you thought that I was Joe? Or is that one of those guys who may or may not be one of your puppet accounts?
Honestly you all sound the same.
But I though that you thought that I was Joe? Or is that one of those guys who may or may not be one of your puppet accounts?
Honestly you all sound the same.

Blowing out hot air again, you never change.

Quit projecting Ciaran.

That's my line.

I'm projecting...because I have yet to act the way I claim you act?
Do you even know what projecting means? Or are you just trying to bs your way out of admitting the truth?
Do you even know what projecting means? Or are you just trying to bs your way out of admitting the truth?

Funny, because that's all you do when you "defend" Joe. Try harder next time.

We've been over this already Ciaran. I have never defended Joe. I have already proven that I have never defended Joe, so how is it possible for me to project when I do something that it has been shown I never do? Simple: it isn't possible. Therefore, by your own admission, I don't project.
I will try harder next time, but you have to promise me that next time you don't do half the work for me. It's difficult to work harder proving you wrong when you're so willing to prove yourself wrong to begin with.
I will try harder next time, but you have to promise me that next time you don't do half the work for me. It's difficult to work harder proving you wrong when you're so willing to prove yourself wrong to begin with.

Your entire reason for being here is to defend Joe, anything other than that is lying. We all know it, you simply refuse to accept it. What's next, you don't even watch Angry Joe?

My entire reason here is to defend evidenced by the fact that I have never defended Joe.
Again Ciaran, I need to actually defend Joe in order to defend Joe. All I've ever done here is criticize you. Do you know what criticism is? Oh wait, you think whining about Joe having a different opinion than you and lying about him forcing a disabled veteran to pay his restaurant bill is considered criticism.
You clearly don't know what criticism is. You don't know what defending is. You're the one lying, not me. And don't try to deny it, because that would be a lie as well.
Now then, now that we've established that you're a liar who has no idea what any of the words he includes in his comments are, I think it's high time we talked about how much of a fanboy you are of Joe and see if we can do anything about your obsession with Joe that eclipses the sum total fanboyism of 99.99% of his fans.
Again Ciaran, I need to actually defend Joe in order to defend Joe. All I've ever done here is criticize you. Do you know what criticism is? Oh wait, you think whining about Joe having a different opinion than you and lying about him forcing a disabled veteran to pay his restaurant bill is considered criticism.
You clearly don't know what criticism is. You don't know what defending is. You're the one lying, not me. And don't try to deny it, because that would be a lie as well.
Now then, now that we've established that you're a liar who has no idea what any of the words he includes in his comments are, I think it's high time we talked about how much of a fanboy you are of Joe and see if we can do anything about your obsession with Joe that eclipses the sum total fanboyism of 99.99% of his fans.

And...into the bin it goes. Stop lying to yourself.

Says the guy who has been lying to everybody on this blog.
I'm not the one lying here; you are. What I speak is the truth; I have never defended Joe. And when have you spoken the truth? When you told us your name. Oh, wait, we don't even know if that is your real name. So that would mean...never. You have never spoken the truth. You have always lied.
Listen, the cat's out of the bag Ciaran. Your facade has completely eroded away. The longer you deny the truth, the wider and deeper that river you've been crying all this time will become. Just stop and maybe you can actually be happy.
I'm not the one lying here; you are. What I speak is the truth; I have never defended Joe. And when have you spoken the truth? When you told us your name. Oh, wait, we don't even know if that is your real name. So that would mean...never. You have never spoken the truth. You have always lied.
Listen, the cat's out of the bag Ciaran. Your facade has completely eroded away. The longer you deny the truth, the wider and deeper that river you've been crying all this time will become. Just stop and maybe you can actually be happy.

Another essay...yawn.

So what does that make your inane blogs, poorly written tween novels?
Actually, that's an apt comparison.
Actually, that's an apt comparison.

Fabulous, obviously.

SaltyyyyyJoeeeeee is here

Oh look, the wizard likes salt.

ciaran, did you purposely added a song on the bottom of the browser??
named "Cry me a river"?
named "Cry me a river"?

I'm very surprised about this.

Certainly sums up what he's currently doing right now pretty well, don't you think?

haha, maybe.
well, I guess ciaran won't change the blog's title anytime soon.
well, I guess ciaran won't change the blog's title anytime soon.

Well, what do you expect? It's Chillock after all.

How can you judge me! You don't even FUCKING know me! Shut your cakehole you sunglass wearing freak! What's wrong? Got a pair of bug eyes underneath! ASSWIPE! YOU CAN'T JUDGE ME BECAUSE YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW ME! AHHHHH!


How typical are you, Chilly. I mean really.
How typical are you, Chilly. I mean really.

does maddemon have a boner for you or why does he keep coming onto the blog? :D

Why do even bother asking that question? The answer is right in front of you.

I will go with "or why does he keep coming onto the blog".
Because what you asked wasn't a question; it was stupid.
Because what you asked wasn't a question; it was stupid.

After MunchingDicks64 found out how hollow his idol Joe is he needs a new daddy to take care of him. Somehow he thinks Ciaran is into the sick stuff he is and now he is heartbroken due to the fact that Ciaran isnt a freakishly muscled tranny and not homosexual, all you read now is him coming to terms with having to deal with life without a bigdaddy spanking him every night.

What's wrong MD, don't you have a boner for me? Oh right, I forgot that's only reserved for Joe. Keep on keeping on buddy.

"Keep on keeping on buddy."

Also, Wiz Harry, I think you watched Barb Wire more often.

No Ciaran, that's...wait, a boner?
I thought you were trying to prove that I'm the one who is homosexually interested in Joe, and yet you keep on taking opportunities to show that you have some seriously repressed homosexual tendencies.
And harry, once again you're wrong as always. You have yet to type something that isn't 100% wrong and 100% you projecting, and you have yet to break this trend. QQ moar buddy, qq moar.
I thought you were trying to prove that I'm the one who is homosexually interested in Joe, and yet you keep on taking opportunities to show that you have some seriously repressed homosexual tendencies.
And harry, once again you're wrong as always. You have yet to type something that isn't 100% wrong and 100% you projecting, and you have yet to break this trend. QQ moar buddy, qq moar.

Wow, you really are as stupid as you let people believe. It's a joke moron, your just like Joe's autistic fans.

I'm as stupid as you claim I am in your schizophrenic delusions...because you have repressed homosexual tendencies.
No, that only means that you're as stupid as you claim I am.
Try again Ciaran.
No, that only means that you're as stupid as you claim I am.
Try again Ciaran.

Schizophrenic delusions? Nah, real life bro.

Ah yes. Real life. That's why you think that Joe forced a disabled veteran to pay his restaurant bill. Despite the fact that it was never proven that such an event ever occurred. Or that the person who initially started that rumor was even a disabled veteran. Or a veteran period.
As I said, schizophrenic delusions.
As I said, schizophrenic delusions.

I think? Yeah, just go right on ahead and make up stuff as usual.

You posted a blog entry about it and never made any statements that you were mistaken and/or that the person who told you the story was making it up.
Yes. You think that it happened. I'm not making stuff up; all the proof is available on your blog. You're the one making stuff up (as usual), denying that it actually happened. Because again, you've already provided proof that it happened and now you're lying that it didn't happen.
Yes. You think that it happened. I'm not making stuff up; all the proof is available on your blog. You're the one making stuff up (as usual), denying that it actually happened. Because again, you've already provided proof that it happened and now you're lying that it didn't happen.

The stupidity is strong in this one.

As evidenced by the fact that there is evidence of my claims.
No, wait, that shows that the stupidity is strong with you, not me. Because I make claims that are backed by evidence, evidence that you are more than happy to provide in failed attempts to debunk my claims. You on the other hand...well, we've already established that you love to provide proof of my claims, It's a shame you can't say the same for your own claims.
No, wait, that shows that the stupidity is strong with you, not me. Because I make claims that are backed by evidence, evidence that you are more than happy to provide in failed attempts to debunk my claims. You on the other hand...well, we've already established that you love to provide proof of my claims, It's a shame you can't say the same for your own claims.

And I care why? I've already done more than enough to smear Joe's reputation and people believe it, face the facts: I've convinced more and more people to hate Joe because what I say is true and you can't stand that. Funny how things work. Cry me a river as usual.

Oh yes, all of 5 people hate Joe, up from...the five that originally hated him.
Face the facts; you've failed. And you can't stand that.
Continue crying that river Ciaran. I heard fish grow big and strong swimming in the salty tears of pathetic losers like you.
Face the facts; you've failed. And you can't stand that.
Continue crying that river Ciaran. I heard fish grow big and strong swimming in the salty tears of pathetic losers like you.

With a response like that you know I'm right, continue on crying a river. Maybe then you'll realize your efforts are fruitless.

My response, that reads like one of your comments, shows that I know you're right, because since it reads like your comments it shows that you know I'm right because that is what that kind of comment means.
Checkmate Ciaran. Check and mate.
Checkmate Ciaran. Check and mate.

Far from it buddy.

So what's new? Salt? Obsessions? Sellouts? We got it all right here at this blog!!

Fun for the whole family!

I'm more confused by how it felt like in the blink of an eye, suddenly everyone's using the word Salt now to describe anger or frustration.
I feel like I missed a memo or something.
It wasn't just from here but everywhere I looked, that was the thing.
Like, first you didn't hear it, then you hear it from one source, the boom it's everywhere!
Like when you go to a grocery store on a day that's usually quiet and empty and instead its hectic and busy and you wonder if you missed an event or something no one advertised.
I feel like I missed a memo or something.
It wasn't just from here but everywhere I looked, that was the thing.
Like, first you didn't hear it, then you hear it from one source, the boom it's everywhere!
Like when you go to a grocery store on a day that's usually quiet and empty and instead its hectic and busy and you wonder if you missed an event or something no one advertised.

I agree.

We are trendsetters brah, the entire world hates joe so much even our language is spreading!
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