Joe has finally propped Purrluna on his offical YouTube channel, I knew this was coming. Joe acts like a complete retard as usual, trying to say random German words like a 12 year old. Screaming shit and being as loud as possible, he seems more spastic than usual. I guess he's trying to impress Purrluna because she's obviously laughing at all the childish stuff he's doing. All of the video is from twitch, no editing whatsoever.
What expression is he trying to convey? |
In other news, a new review is coming! Usually that's good news but it's a review for the shitty new ghost busters game that he streamed recently, sigh. He says it'll take TWO DAYS to edit the review, wow Joe is working 48 hours to edit something that's under half an hour. Bravo. Though it's not because he's just thick in the head, it's because he's not really working those two days. He's streaming more boring ass board games on twitch, going out to eat tempura, and other crap. Working really hard as usual, what a beaner. I can't wait until God Emperor Trump builds that wall and kicks his lazy beaner ass over it.
Apparently Purrluna is still in Texas with Joe. They did some board game/card game stream yesterday and Luna streamed with them. Joe BTW is a savage. During that stream he orders a pizza and when it arrives he opens it up and tells everyone to dig in. My issue being two of the five people were women and Joe wasn't intelligent to realize not everyone is an animal and will eat out of the box with others without napkins, paper towel, or a plate. Then I think Anger Beard brought it to his attention and he got paper towel and plates. What a filthy pig. And off topic, but a majority of Joes audience must be thirsty teens. Anytime I watch so many times the chat ask who is the girl or is that Joes girlfriend? Someone even said it should be a drinking game to take a shit every time someone asks. Probably why they have a command for Purrluna now.
ReplyDeleteJoe is often a pig when eating. He eats pickles from bags like some redneck. He also finds it funny to eat with his mouth open while making exaggerated eating sounds with the camera close up to his mouth. Joe is the modern day Peter Pan. The kid that never grew up.
DeleteThat is just.... Sad... Good thing I never watch his streams, or else I would probably question the purpose of life.
DeleteDirk let's trump stick his tiny hands up Dirk's ass to use him as a fuck puppet! Dirk has a really loose ass now but he likes it that way
ReplyDeleteWhen she goes back to Sweden she'll find that her home was taken by the government and given to a Muslim immigrant rape brigade.
ReplyDeleteDirk and Harry have invitd eveybody to there nightly circle jerk while watching angryjoe
ReplyDeleteHarry sucks Trump's small cock and still gags. Poor guy just loves that orange jizz. Stop peeping Dirk!
ReplyDeleteHow's about you stick your dick into your grandfather's ass and tell me how it feels, you wannabe Anonymous.
Deleteso sad.
some fucking bitch closet fag hating someone out of pure jealousy.
why dont you do something with your life instead of just being angry that youre a total failure.
angry joe is a self made man and youre just a pathetic angry fag
Sad bunch of boners you all are!
ReplyDeleteEven that poor fool wasnt as sick in the head to go totally into spasm-mode and post a line every few minutes like some obsessed crybaby.
DeleteI guess you dont know the meaning of the word obsessed but yeah, if you are losing it (like you) and are willing to do anything (like you) to keep the false image of joe in your head then that is a very sick obsession.
DeleteWe just like to talk about how we all feel joe has betrayed his fans and is a filty liar, nothing obsessed about that really so yeah fool keep pwning urself ^^
This wannabe Anonymous calls us "sad bunch of boners" yet he's the one masturbating to a diseased monkey.
DeleteSpoony's mom gives great head because her teeth fell out from the meth so you can basically just hate fuck her mouth and she will take it like the whore champ she is. Dirk usually just watches tho
ReplyDeleteAlot of virgins here for sure. Get a life losers
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you do the same? Oh right, your parents obviously never loved you.
DeleteWhat a racist piece of human sacrament you are Dirk and spoony and Harry! Your KKK family must be proud
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck are you babbling about psychopath? Its well known Im anti rascist. Just because I dont like 1 retarded mexican for thousands reasons that are not his nationality or skin color doesnt make me a rascist. now gtfo
DeleteIts not covering everything he does in a negative way. Its covering what he does, and its only negative because your mighty fuhrer has sold out completely and keeps on lying to his fans. Perhaps you should be wondering how its possible for someone to become that pathetic instead of wondering why people would write about such a huge change in character of a person.
DeleteHe has her in his Ghosbusters game review, as well. It's good for his image tbh, everyone on his comments wants to know who the pretty blonde is. Can't fault his business acumen. When in doubt, put the blonde on camera!
ReplyDeleteI don't want to sound like a hater, but what is the appeal of this girl? She isn't ugly, but people acting like she is hot. She looks underaged. Joe's feminist ex gf was more attractive. And at least didn't look like a teenager.
DeleteI agree. I don't get it. She's rail thin and has fucked up teeth and a chubby face.
Deletemm so hot dudes
DeleteThat pic makes sense. You can see from how she looks now that she used to weigh more then she does now and that's why she has a chubby face. Your pic shows she used to have a heavier girls face before.
DeleteHarry and Dirk love Joe's Mexican cock couple of closet fags!
ReplyDeleteSpoony loves rough hillbilly deliverance style anal from Dirk while Harry watches and cries
ReplyDeleteJoe going on a rage attack on his haters over on his Twitter. He isn't liking any criticism of his new ghostbuster game review.
ReplyDeleteOn Purrluna's twitch channel she has done a stream, titled First US Stream. And in it confirmed she is staying at Joe's and streamed from Joe's. I didn't watch much of it but she seemed to duck questions about if her and Joe are dating. One interesting tidbit, when asked how long she is staying in Texas she said around another month. So I assume that confirms they are a couple even without her admitting it.
ReplyDeleteSeriously?! A month of her blank stare ugly ass? You know when she's there hardly any of the regulars, including the mods, don't show up. It's because she fucking contributes NOTHING she's just an annoying bitch of a fangirl that cries to Joe when someone says something mean about her
DeleteYoure just jealous cuz you all want Joe's brown cock and now he is stealing a white woman from all you virgins. Undercover beaner faggot lovers on this site
DeleteI know that girl from school, she was slutty. When I look at her instagram now, seems not much has changed since then.
ReplyDeleteSo she really is Swedish? Would like that to be confirmed before I just accept it as truth.
DeleteWhy would she lie about that? Just look at her instagram, plently of evidence over there in the pictures.
DeleteBunch of loser faggots here. You all should die
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you die as well, Mr wannabe Anonymous? Oh, and you're a loser faggot as well.