Update 1
One member from TGWTG has donated, that person being Leon Thomas. I missed this originally.
Update 2
Angry Joe has now donated 75 dollars on the 7/9/2015 towards the charity walk. It's good to see that he took the effort this time.
One member from TGWTG has donated, that person being Leon Thomas. I missed this originally.
Update 2
Angry Joe has now donated 75 dollars on the 7/9/2015 towards the charity walk. It's good to see that he took the effort this time.
If you don't already know, a charity walk is being done by Katie Dunne (a Jew Wario fan). I found out about this from a YouTube comment on one of Joe's video's. I sent an email to him and Joe never responded or even mentioned anything on his social media accounts, heck he didn't even bother to donate. This just shows how much he actually cared about him.
A user named Daimond75 posted it in the chat of one of Joe's recent streams on Twitch, and how did Joe respond? He pretty much ignored it and wanted people to vote on what game he would be playing next. Here's a picture of Joe's reaction from the stream when he noticed a message in the chat relating to the charity walk.
A user named Daimond75 posted it in the chat of one of Joe's recent streams on Twitch, and how did Joe respond? He pretty much ignored it and wanted people to vote on what game he would be playing next. Here's a picture of Joe's reaction from the stream when he noticed a message in the chat relating to the charity walk.
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Here's the clip from his stream when he saw the link:
Now that you've seen the video, you can see that he clearly wasn't interested. Furthermore, he never mentioned this on his Twitter or donated to the charity walk, neither did TGWTG members. You know why, because they don't care, that's the pure and simple hard truth. Even though it's been brought to some of their attention they still don't care. Heck, Joe could have given that 7 dollars he keeps in his wallet. Anyway, rant over.
Here's the email that I sent to him alerting him about the charity walk.
I doubt you know about this but seeing as you were bawling over the death of Jew Wario I thought you should know, a fan of Jew Wario has started a fundraiser for suicide prevention.
Here's the email that I sent to him alerting him about the charity walk.
I doubt you know about this but seeing as you were bawling over the death of Jew Wario I thought you should know, a fan of Jew Wario has started a fundraiser for suicide prevention.
Even if you can't donate, just reposting the link and explaining to others what she's doing would help tremend
A little backstory:
"The pieces of shit trolling this video have been banned from the channel. Its best to not even engage with them in the future. They thrive off drama, memorial videos are prime targets to get attention showered on their sad existences. They will say anything so that people will talk to them, try your best not to. This video is NOT being monetized, and never has been so their drama feeding has no basis. Damaged as they are - nothing you say will change their behavior and attempting to reason with them is futile, honestly they are already putting some of the worst most indefensible shit on a video like this showing you just how ugly the internet can be hiding behind their anonymity. This video is about Justin, and Justin knew just like we all do that no matter how hard they try, trolls never amount to anything other than nuisances."
Don't forget how Joe put words in a dead guys mouth.
With all that's been said and done, how do you guys feel about this?
Comments section:


I see you from time to time in the MMOBomb comments and I saw you talking about Guild Wars 2.
Wanna play together? I heard you can customize the women how you want them to be, even the digusting muscle women you like are allowed.
Wanna play together? I heard you can customize the women how you want them to be, even the digusting muscle women you like are allowed.


oops,my previous comment was for MD.

Yeah, we can clearly see the video and he says he would look into it, which debunks to myth he doesn't care

But then again,angry Joe hasn't taken an action yet,like donating or something related that Joe cares.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Does anyone know when this video was posted? I feel he may of done something by now if this is the case

Yeah, the video shows Joe saying he'll look into it because that's what I wanted to show. He clearly passes it off and wants people to pick his game to play. Furthermore, he hasn't even spread the message about this on any of his social media accounts or even bothered to donate, this shows how much he really cared. The same goes for all members of TGWTG.

When is the cutoff date for donation period?
And yes he actually did spread the message. Weren't you watching the video? You know, the video that disproved your claim but you placed on this page because you thought it proved it?
Once again your own proof disproves your claims.
And yes he actually did spread the message. Weren't you watching the video? You know, the video that disproved your claim but you placed on this page because you thought it proved it?
Once again your own proof disproves your claims.

This comment has been removed by the author.

dickeeier123 WINS!
Flawless, Victory
dickeeier123 WINS!
Flawless, Victory

dickeeier won...by losing by default for going off topic?
Gotta admit harry, your delusions are hilarious.
Gotta admit harry, your delusions are hilarious.

As usual, buttplug-kun comes to defend his senpai.

Yea, harry does love to defend you, doesn't he?
But do you really think you are his senpai?
Actually, now that I think about it, that does explain a lot about him.
But do you really think you are his senpai?
Actually, now that I think about it, that does explain a lot about him.

Seeing one thing for another. Man, the more you spend on here the more delusional you get.
Actually, now that I think about it, you were delusional from the start.
Actually, now that I think about it, you were delusional from the start.

You copied exactly what MD just said.
Are you really obsessed with him?
I find it really creepy.
Are you really obsessed with him?
I find it really creepy.

Oh yes Ciaran, I'm clearly delusional. After all, I'm the one who examined the claim that Joe forced a disabled veteran to pay his restaurant bill and saw that there was no proof that that ever happened, let alone that the person who made that claim is actually a disabled veteran. No, wait, the fact that I was able to analyze it the way I did proves that I'm not delusional.
Well, maybe the fact that I accurately analyzed your "failings of Joe's best of/worst of" list as you whining that Joe has a different opinion than you makes me delusional? No, no, that shows that I'm not delusional either.
Face it Ciaran; everything I have done here shows that I am the exact opposite of delusional, and this entire blog shows that you are delusional.
I will ask you again to please stop disproving your own claims, because it's just sad watching you flail about like this.
Well, maybe the fact that I accurately analyzed your "failings of Joe's best of/worst of" list as you whining that Joe has a different opinion than you makes me delusional? No, no, that shows that I'm not delusional either.
Face it Ciaran; everything I have done here shows that I am the exact opposite of delusional, and this entire blog shows that you are delusional.
I will ask you again to please stop disproving your own claims, because it's just sad watching you flail about like this.

Another rant, yawn.

Shit just got real.

As evidenced by the fact that the video itself debunked not only Ciaran's claim, but the title of the video itself.
You're still living a crudely written fiction dude.
You're still living a crudely written fiction dude.

Look who is in damage control mode, AGAIN

You apparently harry.

And you just proved his point by respond, nice to know you love to destroy your own opinion.

I proved his point by responding...by pointing out the hypocrisy of his point.
Try again Ciaran. This time actually think and examine what's going on; you will never win until you do. Do you even know what damage control even is? If you did, you would know that harry's response is the epitome of damage control. Either that or you do know but you decided to lie about what it is because you're a sore loser.
Eh, probably the latter.
Try again Ciaran. This time actually think and examine what's going on; you will never win until you do. Do you even know what damage control even is? If you did, you would know that harry's response is the epitome of damage control. Either that or you do know but you decided to lie about what it is because you're a sore loser.
Eh, probably the latter.

Every time you respond to anything about Joe is damage control, you'd defend him to the last man even if he was Satan himself.

Why are you bring up that BS Angry Joe caught lying about Jewwario video when it was already debunked

Just for a little backstory for the article. Even so, Joe still hasn't proved he didn't make money on it, remember he had ads for the video and took them off later after people called him out.

Because Ciaran is more or less a pathological liar.
He refuses to abandon lies, even when everybody and their grandmother knows the truth.
He refuses to abandon lies, even when everybody and their grandmother knows the truth.

Yes, because I'm the most evilest person on the planet, boo hoo MD, cry me a river, or a lake, it doesn't matter.

Those ads he showed are google's ads not Joe's google puts them on any youtube video even non monetized the only ones who gets paid for them is google themselves and the website he used as his proof that Joe monetized the video is BS the site treats every youtube video as if they are monetized and gives a estimated amount of money of each video would make based on how many views they get.

Compared to Joe you certainly are Ciaran.
After all, you go around spreading hateful baseless rumors about Joe. What has he done that is so evil? Not made you laugh apparently.
Clearly the fact that Joe has a difference sense of humor than you (i.e. he actually has one) makes him more evil than the man who is willing to tell lies that he knows are lies on the off chance they ruin the career of a man who has never wronged him in any way shape or form.
After all, you go around spreading hateful baseless rumors about Joe. What has he done that is so evil? Not made you laugh apparently.
Clearly the fact that Joe has a difference sense of humor than you (i.e. he actually has one) makes him more evil than the man who is willing to tell lies that he knows are lies on the off chance they ruin the career of a man who has never wronged him in any way shape or form.

Yes, I think Joe is the devil.

You sucking joes cock does not mean its debunked retard.

The existence of your schizophrenic delusions makes my accurate assessments of Ciaran null because...you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality?
Seriously harry, you're making less and less sense every day. I think you might have a medical condition. I recommend seeing a doctor and getting your brain scanned; your stupidity is not natural. It could be the result of some disease. Or cancer. Or something else.
Seriously harry, you're making less and less sense every day. I think you might have a medical condition. I recommend seeing a doctor and getting your brain scanned; your stupidity is not natural. It could be the result of some disease. Or cancer. Or something else.

Maybe the video was a troll video but I still doubt Joe gave a shit about Jewwario. After all he was the one to make a video as his first reaction while that autistic girl started a fundraiser for Jewwarios family.
Maybe we can't prove it but I'm not alone on this, there are other people that said that Joe did his little stageplay going all out with crocodile tears for whatever reason. Maybe even just for attention, it doesn't fucking matter.
Maybe we can't prove it but I'm not alone on this, there are other people that said that Joe did his little stageplay going all out with crocodile tears for whatever reason. Maybe even just for attention, it doesn't fucking matter.

No dickie, no, that was no troll video. Trolololo is trolling.
In the word of Inigo Montoya, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means". Because not a single one of you have ever accurately labeled anything as trolling on this blog.
And if you are admitting that you can't prove it, then you are admitting that you're lying. You're admitting that you are using a logical fallacy instead of proof to back your claim. If you can't prove that Joe doesn't care about JewWario and admit you can't prove it, then your argument is dead at the starting line. And it does matter, because if you claim that maybe you can't prove it then nobody who is sane and rational will listen to you and the only people who will agree with you are likeminded individuals who ignore facts and evidence in favor of lies and BS.
You're digging your own grave dickie boy, and you're trying to escape by digging even deeper.
In the word of Inigo Montoya, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means". Because not a single one of you have ever accurately labeled anything as trolling on this blog.
And if you are admitting that you can't prove it, then you are admitting that you're lying. You're admitting that you are using a logical fallacy instead of proof to back your claim. If you can't prove that Joe doesn't care about JewWario and admit you can't prove it, then your argument is dead at the starting line. And it does matter, because if you claim that maybe you can't prove it then nobody who is sane and rational will listen to you and the only people who will agree with you are likeminded individuals who ignore facts and evidence in favor of lies and BS.
You're digging your own grave dickie boy, and you're trying to escape by digging even deeper.

Wow, MD gets triggered like a feminist again. Can't you accept that Joe doesn't give a shit about Jew Wario. Oh wait, you can't see the writing on the wall.

Hey, I got a question for dickeeier and pretty much everybody here: why are you all so addicted to muscle women? I see at least one of you mention it like once per blog entry, as if you can't go a day without talking about muscle women, so you must be addicted to them.
How and why?
How and why?

"pretty much everybody here"
Hey,hey.....not everyone.
Hey,hey.....not everyone.

Hence the "pretty much" part.
If I meant everyone, I would have said everyone/everybody. Adding "pretty much" before "everybody" shows that it's not everybody, but there are very few who aren't part of the "everybody" label.
If I meant everyone, I would have said everyone/everybody. Adding "pretty much" before "everybody" shows that it's not everybody, but there are very few who aren't part of the "everybody" label.

Ah,yes,thanks for the lecture.

Thank goodness I'm one of the few.

Satoshi-kun is right, only the Demons on this blog want big strong muscle women.

So, you then dickie boy.
Good to know.
Good to know.

Hardy har har, MD has a muscle fetish and he can't help it if he's got a sick fetish. But then again, he's a man child who watches men dress up as power rangers or something like that.

theyre all horrible pieces of 'human' garbage, I guess they must want to burn in hell...

No, that's just you.

Just when you think AngryHo can't go any lower... It's clear that he had ZERO interest in Jew Wario right from the start, aside from monetizing the video about his suicide in order to be able to profit from it of course. AngryHo even said in the stream that he'll only look into it later, but can't right now because he's streaming, which clearly shows how deeply 'concerned' AngryJorge is about this charity. I bet Jose would be all over it like a maggot on shit if he could pocket some Jew gold from the charity however.

Thanks Hans, at least you know the real Angry Joe.

@CiaranHillock @SmoothHans
Technically Angry Joe could still "pocket some gold" if he started his own fundraiser for the event. I'm not against AngryJoe doing this, or walking in the event. It would honor JewWario's memory and spread awareness about suicide and how to prevent it. This would also increase his Public Relations. However if he made no mention of Katie Dunne's fundraiser or didn't collaborate with Miss Dune's fundraiser (which would be the better option) he would only show himself as trying "hog" the glory of raising the money for the event. So really the best thing Angry Joe could do to help his public relations and debunk this blog post would be to openly/visibly donate/collaborate with Katie Dunne's fundraiser. It increases his PR, shows he did care about JewWario as a friend and fellow employee/reviewer, and would not make him look greedy.
Technically Angry Joe could still "pocket some gold" if he started his own fundraiser for the event. I'm not against AngryJoe doing this, or walking in the event. It would honor JewWario's memory and spread awareness about suicide and how to prevent it. This would also increase his Public Relations. However if he made no mention of Katie Dunne's fundraiser or didn't collaborate with Miss Dune's fundraiser (which would be the better option) he would only show himself as trying "hog" the glory of raising the money for the event. So really the best thing Angry Joe could do to help his public relations and debunk this blog post would be to openly/visibly donate/collaborate with Katie Dunne's fundraiser. It increases his PR, shows he did care about JewWario as a friend and fellow employee/reviewer, and would not make him look greedy.

Easy does it Fish. Let's not give Jew-Gold-Joe any ideas here... We've all read and seen the last blog from Ciaran regarding Joe's interest in this blog. We all know that AngryHo creeps on this blog due to his own insecurity and dwindling fan base; so there's no need to feed his greed here. After all, he's probably more preoccupied with placing an order from Chick-A-Fill or KFC.
IrateIglesias doesn't give a rats-ass about games, gamers, or Jew Wario. I'll donate to JW's charity only as long as I know AngryHo has no way of profiting from it.
IrateIglesias doesn't give a rats-ass about games, gamers, or Jew Wario. I'll donate to JW's charity only as long as I know AngryHo has no way of profiting from it.

I already donated $1 to Katie and JewWario so that I can support those guys instead of Angry Asshoe. Angry Joe monetized JewWario's memorial video last year in order to steal his money for his Chic-Fil-A and shit

Yeah, what FishlFashl said is spot on. I want Angryjew to give some of that jewgold to Justin's family. I bet he couldn't even donate 1000 bucks for a dead friend. He rather eats those fucking nuggets all day or whatever they are called.
YOU HEAR ME JOE? I'm cursing you and everytime you see one of those faggoty nuggets it's gonna look like jewwarios head. The curse will be broken when you get rid of some of that dirty jewgold.
YOU HEAR ME JOE? I'm cursing you and everytime you see one of those faggoty nuggets it's gonna look like jewwarios head. The curse will be broken when you get rid of some of that dirty jewgold.

Wait dickie...did you just curse Joe for a fiction you made up in your mind?

Hilarious, MD can't take a joke. He is from Tumblr.

Making jewtube money out of a dead man is sick.
Not promoting it for donation for the man is disgusting.
Not promoting it for donation for the man is disgusting.

And thus the claim wars still rages on!
This is getting pathetically hilarious.
This is getting pathetically hilarious.

Shut up you cockslobbering faggot.

Lower your vulgar there, buddy.
Don't you just love it when you you disprove your own claims Ciaran? It just makes you look all the more idiotic.