Why the hell does he go and see bad movies? If he didn't like the first movie why did he go and see the second? As soon as Delrith talks Joe looks at his phone, man is that disrespectful, he's also checking it all the way through the video too. They thought about getting there money back, man is that a dumb thing to say. You've got to be the biggest asshole to even consider that. I can't be bothered writing any more shit, here's the down low:
He should put his time and energy into what made him popular, game reviews. It's been a month since his last actual review, not an impression, not a preview, not a movie review, not any of that crap. Just look at the view numbers...that tells you that his fanbase don't like this type of content. Get it through your skull Joe.
![]() |
Hopefully soon. |
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Because he's a moron. |
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Intriguing. |
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He wanted both of best worlds. |
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I think you're on to something. |

Guess any views are better than going a month with no game reviews. I think he might act like markmypliers and play until dawn while over reacting like a 12 yr old.

I hope he DOES NOT change his channel's origin to being a let's player. God that will be bad. Just look at his views and dislikes on his Let's play of SuperHot and you'll see what I mean.

If Delrith wore an Amish hat throughout this borefest of an attempt to pass as a movie review it would ramp the entertainment factor from the negative value that it's stuck on. Angry Jew is straying so far from the path of game reviews to pander to movie goers the most that thankfully some AJSA members are starting to call out on his view mongering bullshit now. Please keep on self destroying your credibility, angry Jew.

I'm actually quite curious. Why the hell would you go watch a sequel to a movie that you thought sucked ass? Review the Visit or Anabel or something that isn't complete shit, Joe. Also go back to gaming reviews, you know that thing that made you what you are to date?

Ciaran, there is a problem in this post of yours. How can someone be considered an asshole for wanting to get there money back from a terrible movie? I always thought that was a smart thing to do. (Sadly Joe and his friends weren't smart enough to even do what they considered on doing after seeing such a movie.)

First of all, it'll hurt the cinema you go to because you're cutting into their profits. Two, you get what you pay for. Three, if you did that then you might as well get your money back because the Undertaker beat Brock Lesnar when the Undertaker tapped out first.

Only part I liked was at the very beginning when Joe was talking about doing more game reviews in the coming months, and Del was just shaking his head no. Lol they know what they're fucking doing

Hey Mr. Blogger you know my nigga George Clooney still hands out refunds to nigga's who went and saw Batman and Robin. Seriously bro. He'll give anybody that says i want my money back. Gives em 10 bucks r some shits.

"Why the hell does he go and see bad movies? If he didn't like the first movie why did he go and see the second?"
Well, I can answer that question. It because ALL reviewers go see movies and critical the movie. Like is it worth your money or not. It called the review. I can name you a reviewers if you want to. Jeremyjahn, Ryan Rights, The Flick Pick (I don't remember the name of that channel, my bad), Chris Stuckman. may I need to go on?
Well, I can answer that question. It because ALL reviewers go see movies and critical the movie. Like is it worth your money or not. It called the review. I can name you a reviewers if you want to. Jeremyjahn, Ryan Rights, The Flick Pick (I don't remember the name of that channel, my bad), Chris Stuckman. may I need to go on?

I wasn't aware Joe was a movie reviewer.

Ciaran Hillock, Seriously?? You weren't aware he did movie reviews long ago? Well, guess what, he did review movie long ago. By himself. Which again, I really prefer him to do reviews alone. Haven't you seen his Last Airbender reviews??? Star Wars 3d??? Thor??
All (well some) reviewers can do both movies and games. Jeremyjahn did that.
All (well some) reviewers can do both movies and games. Jeremyjahn did that.

those are all horrible, I see why you must like joe; you have terrible taste in entertainment and are most likely a faggot.

"I see why you must like joe; you have terrible taste in entertainment and are most likely a faggot."
Bwahahaha. Oh you are so funny Harry.
Joke besides.
HELL NO. I didn't like him the way he is now. I use to like him long ago. Now I'm neutral to him. I'm remain neutral to him. I don't even subscribe to him. Why would I do that? That doesn't mean I stop watching his video. I only watch him for funny moment. Because I have a sense of humor. So, yea, what do you say about that, Harry?
Bwahahaha. Oh you are so funny Harry.
Joke besides.
HELL NO. I didn't like him the way he is now. I use to like him long ago. Now I'm neutral to him. I'm remain neutral to him. I don't even subscribe to him. Why would I do that? That doesn't mean I stop watching his video. I only watch him for funny moment. Because I have a sense of humor. So, yea, what do you say about that, Harry?

That is what I thought, Harry

other joe should have his own show
I mean he seems like a nice guy and he could probably do great game reviews
I mean he seems like a nice guy and he could probably do great game reviews

Why did he watch the second movie when he hated the first one?
Why did people play Street Fighter 2 after not liking Street Fighter?
Why did people play Street Fighter 2 after not liking Street Fighter?

Well cant speak for others but you are there for the muscles right

Never played it, so once again you have forced me to say my catchphrase.
Wrong as always Pauper Monday.
Wrong as always Pauper Monday.

Your catchphrase? Seriously, get a load of this guy.


Hey, I say it often enough for it to be considered a catchphrase, so why not just call it one? I mean, you are always wrong, and I always point it out, so it fits, doesn't it?
P.S. harry, let me try to understand your line of anti-logic. I'm fat...because I pointed out that Ciaran has never been right on this blog...how? Oh, right, because you know I'm right and refuse to admit it. Figures.
P.S. harry, let me try to understand your line of anti-logic. I'm fat...because I pointed out that Ciaran has never been right on this blog...how? Oh, right, because you know I'm right and refuse to admit it. Figures.

Dissecting a comment when it was a joke, only a fedora poster like you would do this.

Says the fedora poster.




The irony of your last comment is so thick I need a chainsaw to cut it.
Do you know the meanings of any of the words or phrases you use in your comments Ciaran? Because the words you use in your responses to me, all those names you call me, always describe you instead of me. Maybe you do know them and are just projecting. Now that's a question for Occam's Razor: is the simplest solution that you are projecting or that you simply don't know the meaning of any of the words you use in your comments?
Do you know the meanings of any of the words or phrases you use in your comments Ciaran? Because the words you use in your responses to me, all those names you call me, always describe you instead of me. Maybe you do know them and are just projecting. Now that's a question for Occam's Razor: is the simplest solution that you are projecting or that you simply don't know the meaning of any of the words you use in your comments?

Go back to Tumblr MD, that's where you belong.

Can't go back to someplace I've never been Ciaran.
QQ moar. Maybe senpai will notice you again if you qq harder this time.
QQ moar. Maybe senpai will notice you again if you qq harder this time.

Should I have said reddit instead? Funny, you'd fit right in at both places considering your personality.

Really doesn't which one you said, because you would have been wrong regardless.
You are only right when you are actively trying to be wrong from your schizophrenic perspective. Everything you have said about me only describes you and your fans.
You probably should head back to Twitter; clearly the average person on the internet outside of Twitter is too smart for you. Even mentally retarded people are more intelligent than you.
You are only right when you are actively trying to be wrong from your schizophrenic perspective. Everything you have said about me only describes you and your fans.
You probably should head back to Twitter; clearly the average person on the internet outside of Twitter is too smart for you. Even mentally retarded people are more intelligent than you.

With an attack like that, you already know you've lost the argument. It's hilarious when you defeat yourself like that.

Well, by that logic, since you've already used that attack in the past, that would mean that you defeated yourself a long time ago, now wouldn't it?
God I love it when you royally screw up like that. It's downright hilarious.
God I love it when you royally screw up like that. It's downright hilarious.

That's because I don't try to "win" arguments, I trigger people. And you sir, are royally triggered. It's downright hilarious.

So, you trigger people into proving your wrong, by posting patently false statements?
Your logic doesn't make any sense. Not that it ever did mind you, but still, you're making it sound like the entire point of this blog is to prove yourself wrong.
Your logic doesn't make any sense. Not that it ever did mind you, but still, you're making it sound like the entire point of this blog is to prove yourself wrong.

You see, you still don't understand that your are butt-flustered.

That's because you are, not me.
Just look at your comments. They show how..."butt-flustered"...you are. Why else would you spin doctor your losses the way you do?
Just look at your comments. They show how..."butt-flustered"...you are. Why else would you spin doctor your losses the way you do?

Yeah yeah, throw the same thing back because your bitch ass can't say anything else, try harder angry faggot.



You missed the point of his comment harry.
He's pointing out the hypocrisy of Ciaran complaining that Joe watched the second Sinister movie when he hated the first one when Ciaran himself keeps watching Joe's videos despite never liking the last one he watched.
He's pointing out the hypocrisy of Ciaran complaining that Joe watched the second Sinister movie when he hated the first one when Ciaran himself keeps watching Joe's videos despite never liking the last one he watched.

I hate Angry Joe? I wasn't aware that I hated him, you shouldn't read into things too much. Just because I dislike and disagree with the stuff he does doesn't mean I don't want to hear his opinion. Nice hypocrisy of me, try harder next time man child.

Ciaran, you dedicated a blog to slandering and spreading vitriolic lies about him. Every entry in your blog reads "Angry Joe is the worst shill reviewer in the world and here is my biased opinion why!" Even when you don't find anything wrong with his review of a game you say stuff like "Angry Joe is the worst reviewer ever because even though I didn't find anything wrong with his review the jokes he made in his video show that he has a different sense of humor than me so therefore he sucks!"
This entire blog shows just how much you hate him. I'm not reading too much into anything; I'm simply analyzing the contents of this blog. But yes, you are being hypocritical, complaining about Joe watching the sequel to a movie he didn't like when all you do is watch every video of Joe's despite the fact you didn't like his previous videos.
Also, you calling me a man child only proves my point.
Try harder next time loser; maybe you senpai will notice you again in a future video.
This entire blog shows just how much you hate him. I'm not reading too much into anything; I'm simply analyzing the contents of this blog. But yes, you are being hypocritical, complaining about Joe watching the sequel to a movie he didn't like when all you do is watch every video of Joe's despite the fact you didn't like his previous videos.
Also, you calling me a man child only proves my point.
Try harder next time loser; maybe you senpai will notice you again in a future video.

Back to the tumblr as I say.

MD didn't you learn your lesson the last time I spanked your ass? You disappeared for a week or 2 i thought your stupidity was finally slayed but I guess not. As i've said before read a fucking dictionary this blog isn't slander in print its liable, if it even was lies but its not its fucking jokes you don't like and can't handle. Quit being a little bitch grow up and learn to internet.

What, you mean the time I defeated you so hard it broke your fragile psyche and the only way you could cope was by creating a fictional retelling of events where you actually stood a chance against me?
Good times. Good times.
Read the dictionary again Chunky. It clearly states that slander is, and I quote, "the act of making a false statement that damages a person's reputation", and that is exactly what Ciaran is doing. Every time he claims that Joe is a shill who only gives good reviews to games with devs who pay him, that's slander. Whenever Ciaran states that Joe forced a disabled veteran to pay his restaurant bill, that's slander.
Please take your own advice and learn to internet yourself. If you had, maybe you would have been capable of googling the definition of slander and saving yourself some embarrassment at not knowing what the definition was. Or maybe you did and decided to lie, hoping I didn't know how to do research. Either way, your plan self-destructed in your face pretty hard.
P.S. Don't even bother with a "It's not slander because it's true!" comeback. If it was true, there would be proof, not your continuous insistence that there is proof and complete lack of providing any. Part of knowing how to internet is knowing how to make sure people believe your claims, and right now you are showing you know so little about interneting it's a miracle you can even turn on your computer.
Good times. Good times.
Read the dictionary again Chunky. It clearly states that slander is, and I quote, "the act of making a false statement that damages a person's reputation", and that is exactly what Ciaran is doing. Every time he claims that Joe is a shill who only gives good reviews to games with devs who pay him, that's slander. Whenever Ciaran states that Joe forced a disabled veteran to pay his restaurant bill, that's slander.
Please take your own advice and learn to internet yourself. If you had, maybe you would have been capable of googling the definition of slander and saving yourself some embarrassment at not knowing what the definition was. Or maybe you did and decided to lie, hoping I didn't know how to do research. Either way, your plan self-destructed in your face pretty hard.
P.S. Don't even bother with a "It's not slander because it's true!" comeback. If it was true, there would be proof, not your continuous insistence that there is proof and complete lack of providing any. Part of knowing how to internet is knowing how to make sure people believe your claims, and right now you are showing you know so little about interneting it's a miracle you can even turn on your computer.

Woah, another essay from the man with 64 demons. This time he's been triggered for sure, gather round and watch him freak out.

I've been triggered...because I showed how your blog is nothing but slander?
God you're predictable Ciaran.
God you're predictable Ciaran.

Man, do I have to explain the joke?

You need to make a joke in order for someone to misunderstand one and require a subsequent explanation.
You're going to have to try harder with your spin doctoring; more people seem to be seeing you for the fraud/liar you are. Soon even your sock puppet accounts won't buy into your lies.
You're going to have to try harder with your spin doctoring; more people seem to be seeing you for the fraud/liar you are. Soon even your sock puppet accounts won't buy into your lies.

Man o man, you still don't get it. The more and more you go on the more people are less likely to even believe you. No amount of "spin doctoring" (I know spin, I weave) can change people seeing you as the fanboy you are.
And if you think those are sock puppet accounts then you really are most stupid than you let people believe, self defeatism is the way of MD.
And if you think those are sock puppet accounts then you really are most stupid than you let people believe, self defeatism is the way of MD.

Except, that's you, not me.
You have spun literally everything you talk about. Everything Joe does, no matter what it is, you spin in a way to make it sound like he is the next Hitler.
Also, that whole sock puppet accounts thing I did, is how you do a proper joke. I guess this means I have to explain the joke to you.
A sock puppet account is just you pretending to be someone else. It's funny because sock puppet accounts always buy into your lies, because they're you and you buy into your own lies.
I feel sorry for you man; you're incapable of telling or understanding jokes.
You have spun literally everything you talk about. Everything Joe does, no matter what it is, you spin in a way to make it sound like he is the next Hitler.
Also, that whole sock puppet accounts thing I did, is how you do a proper joke. I guess this means I have to explain the joke to you.
A sock puppet account is just you pretending to be someone else. It's funny because sock puppet accounts always buy into your lies, because they're you and you buy into your own lies.
I feel sorry for you man; you're incapable of telling or understanding jokes.

Another essay, man do I feel sorry for you, you spend so much time writing that (as usual) and no one is going to bother reading it or take you seriously. Again, my heart goes out to you.

By responding to my comment, you have shown that you take me seriously enough to respond to it, and given your comment that it's "an essay", you clearly took the time to read it.
Why do you insist on disproving your own claims with the act of making them? It's getting pathetic dude.
Why do you insist on disproving your own claims with the act of making them? It's getting pathetic dude.

I take you seriously? ROFL bra. I don't respond because I take you seriously, I respond because it's funny to see you get bent out of shape. And I don't read your comments, they're too tumblr for me.

Again, the fact that you respond to my comments prove that you read them and take them seriously. If you didn't, you wouldn't respond to them. At all.
Again, you disprove your own claims merely by making them.
Again, you disprove your own claims merely by making them.

Making shit up again, boy you must be dry, maybe you should send that bitch ass of yours to your home boy.

Don't try ta reason with tha children Osbourne. Half da niggas are depressed teenagers watchin Tubers all day n night while masterbatin into their sippy cups and the other half o the trash be racist unemployed faggots.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Now fishy, here's a doll. O=|==< Tell me where the bad man touches you.

You know where you tried to touch me. Lol. That shit was actually a good one my nigga. Peace out my nigga's and brotha's from otha motha's. We all family in Christ. I can't compete with all dis virgin angst and i feels my soul got sucked out a lil readin through dis shit. Live long and prosper my nigga's. Fishy is gone. *mic drop*

to be honest the problem with this blog is that it exudes a sense of entitlement. it's like "angry joe isn't doing game reviews anymore, therefore he sucks!" i mean yeah i get it i miss when he was only reviewing games too, but i also understand that people don't like being pigeonholed into doing one thing for the rest of their lives. honestly at this point angry joe doesn't do it for me anymore so i just don't watch anymore of his stuff. i had this same thought process before i started reading the comments on posts on this blog, and because of it i realized that i may not enjoy what joe is doing. but, it does seem he is enjoying what he does and at the end of the day if someone can make money doing what they love... then who am i to use my entitlement to stop them.

cant you read or are you just retarded? The blog clearly makes it obvious that his lies and ridiculous behaviour are why he sucks, His choice what he wants to do with his channel we dont care, but if he lies about it and then it sucks yeah we are going to make fun of it XD

Ah yes, the lies that Ciaran has never proven to even exist.
How could this guy ever forget this fact that so obviously is fake?
How could this guy ever forget this fact that so obviously is fake?

Can't handle the truth brah, maybe you should stop wearing those beer goggles you love to use. Maybe then you'll stop defending your hero.