


Does it really matter? All he does is play video games, It's not a job.

playing games is actually a job.

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Nice Shia Labeouf cameo at the end, Angry Joe.

Hey Ciaran. You wanted to know the times in Joe's twitch stream on Armored Warfare where he talks about your blog? Here they are: 2:11:16 to 2:12:20.

I got it. Hilarious, I don't remember typing a paragraph about him eating chicken.

Wow man. Just how long have you been stalking joe. Do you hate him? Love him? Wanna play seven minutes in heaven with him? Are you sexually confused? Just what is your angle here? Posting the guy talking about his weight does what for your pathetic shill readers? Please respond Mr. Shillcock

Tuffy, why follow someone you hate. Are you a semi-stalker too?

Fishy, I think it stems out of some odd infatuation.
This guy does nothing but talk trash about Joe, and yet follows everything he does.
You would think since he does this, he'd be able to at least make an informed statement instead of spamming hatred like an angry child.
This guy does nothing but talk trash about Joe, and yet follows everything he does.
You would think since he does this, he'd be able to at least make an informed statement instead of spamming hatred like an angry child.

Yeh Joe is lying. His quality of videos does not reflect that effort.
Also, he can take a couple hours and hit the gym or go walk a bit. It's not possible. Love how he didn't mention all the beef jerky he consumes. Because THAT's heart healthy