Man is this video so boring and annoying, it's basically a pure let's play with annoying commentary by two mexicans on welfare, pending deportation. Where the hell is Trump when you need him most? This video is a good example of Joe copying the PewDiePie formula, he literally screams like a total pewdiepie reject, which he is. This video is so painful to watch, and it's frustrating to watch it because of the constant pauses and shouting. Joe is also very bad at this game to boot, so there's another reason not to watch it, unless you're a masochist. Joe also said the game is worth "15 bucks" even though it don't look like it's worth more than 5, but then again what do you expect from a guy who spends his money on useless junk like an Alienware computer. Peace out guys.
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More like super not! |
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That's because he's a terrible gamer. |
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I highly doubt it. |
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Did anyone actually watch the full video? If you did, then consider yourself a moron. |

Joe is a faggot retard.

Faggot? No. A Greedy, Ignorant, Inconsiderate, Corporate, Lying,Lazy Bastard? mmmmmm Yes.

Joe makes a faggot bitch because he was playing video games with Other Joe during the entire night and he slept with him and forced him to dress him as a baby during the Mortal Kombat X review where they pretend that it was a Babality which is so childish to act like that in the whole show.

I regretted my move when I clicked on the video. There are a few words that come to mind when I watched the first half of it: Borefest, promotional, noob, loud, etc. Its SO much entertaining on Markiplier's channel when he played this game. Why? Because you could totally tell the difference between the LetsPlayJoeBoredom and the Markimoo. Not to mention this is his what, fourth promotional twitch copynpaste video since he had a review. Obviously he's not listening to his fans. Before any AJSA retarded member fuckeroonie (I'm talking to you, MD) comes up and says "There aren't any new games out yet for him to review" There are PLENTY of suggestions made by people of what games he should review. So to sum it all up MoneySnatchin Joe deserves a 0/10 with an Epic Fail for his boring,repetitive lets plays and the fact that he does not listen to his fans. He only listens to his wallet and Corporate.

Because he wants money to pay for the hospital bills because his grandparents were in the hospital for two years now and they didn't go flatline ever since they were in the hospital for too long.

In AJSA, you will be banned for exposing the truth that Joe is a greedy, liar, deceiver, etc. Also you can't mention piracy, GamerGate, Anita Sarkeesian, and you can't insult other administrators for not getting the server active for several days. Because AJSA wanted to be more "friendlier" than the rest of the gaming communities around the net.
You seen the shit that they giving for mentioning piracy? BOOM! A one week ban and if I kept saying that, I will be banned permanently. Mentioning Emulators are strictly forbidden on that forum as it considered piracy.
You seen the shit that they giving for mentioning piracy? BOOM! A one week ban and if I kept saying that, I will be banned permanently. Mentioning Emulators are strictly forbidden on that forum as it considered piracy.

Tell me about it Scruffy. Joe is probably the worst lets player I've ever seen in my life. Which is one of my biggest problems with him and his franchise. That when he's not doing game reviews which at least have some good parts in them. He's failing at being a "Pewdepie reject" which is not fun to watch.

Scruffy, since you're going to start your own Youtube channel are you planning to do everyday game reviews like Angrh Centaur Gaming?

Its a possibility. Problem is money and lets say I don't have enough yet to spend on a webcam, software, capture card, etc to get my channel on a roll. And cranking reviews everyday means I've have to spend the imaginary greens that I don't have on getting a game per day to review it. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to do that but its just about the problem with the amount of money that I have right now.

This comment has been removed by the author.

I also want to walk in Markiplier's footsteps where he brings smiles to everyone's face, creates amazing content, has humor, and isn't afraid to be a total goof-ball in front of millions of viewers.

That, and he's a pro Five Nights at Freddy's and he's good at beating 20/20/20/20 and Golden Freddy Mode on all four games.

Markiplier at least gives a crap about his fans. Has anyone noticed that when YouTubers reach a certain number of subscribers they make a video to say thank you to those people. Joe has never done anything remotely like that. He's had plenty of times he could have. (100th angry review, 1 million subscribers, 2 million subscribers, etc.) but he doesn't he thinks that it's just a medal. No! Joe say thanks to the people who blindly follow you no matter what. If it wasn't for people like them you would be worth dirt in this country working at McDonald's or something. Instead people got you to the rank of "celebrity" and you don't respect them for what they have given you. You acknowledge haters every other minute but can't take a few minutes to thank the people who got you there? That's pathetic.

"You can't insult other administrators."
You mean that you can get banned for being a troll???? This is an outrage!!!
You mean that you can get banned for being a troll???? This is an outrage!!!

What Angry Joe made "Let's Plays" on a reaction video is to go on Full Screen in any gaming related trailers, grab a 360 controller, act like a jerkoff, and pretend that the game was already released. This is just shows how Angry Joe was a manchild. He doesn't have his girlfriend, he had one friend, relying on his dad, yelling that he needs an adult (heard on his Ark: Survival Evolved video), and doing a childish fight with a crappy costume that bought from a $0.99 cents store.

SuperHot is actually really fun to play
But don't take Joe's word for it
Disregard the video and try it for yourself
I've seen several people play it before I got it myself
And it's way more fun to play then watch,
But don't take Joe's word for it
Disregard the video and try it for yourself
I've seen several people play it before I got it myself
And it's way more fun to play then watch,

That looks like something out of Max Payne, but Joe killed it for something that didn't happen in the game because he's not playing too much Max Payne games.

Joe is a terible player, even in planetside 2 i was facepalming.
He cant play FPS games, the only thing he likes to play (altho he isnt that good either) are strategy games.
But he plays it casual, and i mean VERY casual.
Why people want to hear his opinion even tho its obvious he's selling out is beyond me.
But hey kids love fat funny angry mexicans somehow, close second to Francis.
He cant play FPS games, the only thing he likes to play (altho he isnt that good either) are strategy games.
But he plays it casual, and i mean VERY casual.
Why people want to hear his opinion even tho its obvious he's selling out is beyond me.
But hey kids love fat funny angry mexicans somehow, close second to Francis.

He also loves to made his own fantasy out of video games like Ermac is a Mexican, fetish for ass and titties in Metro Last Light and Soulcalibur V, and pretending that he's an annoying knight because of his love for his fantasy games.
Joe refuses to say anything negative on a highly anticipated game because he was paid by the developers of a game, which is shady as hell. Look at the ending credits of Witcher 3:
Isn't this shady for a Youtubers nowadays to go to the game studio and test the game to get paid and get listed in an ending credits? What a fucking shame...
Joe refuses to say anything negative on a highly anticipated game because he was paid by the developers of a game, which is shady as hell. Look at the ending credits of Witcher 3:
Isn't this shady for a Youtubers nowadays to go to the game studio and test the game to get paid and get listed in an ending credits? What a fucking shame...

Does anyone here think that Joe WAS good in like 2011 or around that time. And after 4 years has become one of the most annoying person who rambles on about random crap, Mexican propaganda, and just all around bad role model. Seriously, his fan base is 80-90% 12 year olds who probably are telling their parents, "Mommy when I grow up I wanna be a fat middle aged dumbass Mexican who doesn't know crap about video games!" Its sad really.

I liked Joe back in 2011-2013
His reviews were better and funny
He was ANGRY Joe
Not fuck "you give me money" Joe.
He was great in 2011-2013
He was calmer
Didn't do ANY let's plays
Didn't do movie reviews
Just quietly put out a review whenever a crappy game came out,
And it was usually just crappy games.
Then mid 2013 he started with annual releases and began to cover anything
Then 2014 he basically said fuck it and started reviewing nothing but big budget games
Then beginning of 2015 he started movies and becoming even worse,
Now he's just pathetic
It's to the point where even the most dedicated fans of the Angry Army are losing faith in him.
His reviews were better and funny
He was ANGRY Joe
Not fuck "you give me money" Joe.
He was great in 2011-2013
He was calmer
Didn't do ANY let's plays
Didn't do movie reviews
Just quietly put out a review whenever a crappy game came out,
And it was usually just crappy games.
Then mid 2013 he started with annual releases and began to cover anything
Then 2014 he basically said fuck it and started reviewing nothing but big budget games
Then beginning of 2015 he started movies and becoming even worse,
Now he's just pathetic
It's to the point where even the most dedicated fans of the Angry Army are losing faith in him.

I don't like the "calmer" trait that Joe had back then because then its not even Angry Joe.

Joe still has his huge outbursts. Sonic free riders, mindjack, etc. If anything he's probably calmer currently compared to a few years ago.

His Ride to Hell review was the last review to show Joe's complete outburst, his acting in that review is epic. His Godzilla and Rambo, the two shitty game reviews, was faking his outburst and he's whining a lot because he sucked at video games other than strategy games.

Atleast derith wasn't here

Hey Ciaran. Have you seen Joe's twitch stream last night? Mentions you and your blog for about 5 min.

Actually 2 nights ago. Sorry for the misinformation.

Actually 2 nights ago. Sorry for the misinformation.

Sounds fun, which video and what part.

Look in your most recent blog post's comment section to see your answer.
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