Another let's play, yeah because that's what we want to see. And he's putting up a video on the new beta of Rainbow Six Siege when he played the one earlier this year too, now he's just being picky because he'll get more views because the game is closer to release. With that aside, this video is terrible. It's full of Joe screaming his head off like a retard, and man o man, I've got to mention the comments section. They have become aware of how shit Joe really is, almost every comment is people complaining. THIS IS GLORIOUS!
To make matters even worse, Angry Joe is the worst player ever, he's running around like a headless chicken getting fucked by that hillbilly from the Preacher comic. And he doesn't even know how to bash down a door, hasn't he even checked the controls? What a fool. It's pure let's play ripped from his Twitch channel which takes zero effort, this is how lazy Joe really is. And where the hell is the Mad Max review? Is he even doing it?
This video is just beyond annoying, he's obviously trying to be like PewDiePie with all the childish behaviour in this video. Joe also fell off the roof in this game, this gave him a flashback of when he fell of his roof in real life. What a retard. Maybe he should lay off the Doritos and Mountain Dew, maybe then he'd have a braincell to make a video that takes effort instead of screaming like he's getting buttfucked by a gorilla.
Ewww... |
Exactly. |
Isn't that a porn game for weebs? |
How can you expect Joe to know that, his first console was an xbox. Heck even the first Red Faction had a freaking riot shield, now those were the days. |
It's because he's a PewDiePie rip off. |
This is hilarious. |
I'll also edit the video and put up a video full of his inane screaming.
"Screaming like he's getting butt fucked by a Gorilla." You didn't get that from the movie trading places did you? Hehe but in all seriousness your right about Joe being a Pewdipie rip-off. Actually I take that back, he's not even worthy of that tittle. Because at least Pewdipie acts like he's happy, While half the time Joe sounds like he got his soul eaten by a dementor.
ReplyDeletePewdiepie rip off? Nah, Nah. That's Bodil64 (I'm pretty sure I pronounced that youtuber's name right). AngryJoe is more like that one youtuber who plays shooter games who shouts shit at others because hes bad.......Oh wait.
ReplyDeleteMan you guys are obsessed with this dude. It's sad. I wandered into this blog from a reddit forum using it as an example of obsession. You could just ignore his content but instead it somehow reminds you of that time your uncle fingered your bum and you like it. This confuses and angers you so you bury your gay with hate. You can't Joe hate your gay away. You just can't. One day you'll be on Craigslist begging to be bukkaked. Just accept it. You gay
ReplyDeleteLooks like we've found MadDemon 2.0.
DeleteDirks favorite anime involves a penis and a mans asshole... Because he's fucking gay. He does anime translations that nobody cares about. What a fucking loser
ReplyDeleteActually my favorite anime involves a little boy called pico, he has lots of fun with chico and coco. You'll love it.
DeleteAnime is for fucking losers. Go outside get some fresh air and get your dick sucked for once in your life instead of playing with children's toys and reading anime. You're a disappointment to your family and you smell like cheese
DeleteOH! Snap! Dirk you smell like cheese! Game over man! Sick burn! Boom! He won! With that insult. Down for the count! Oh man I should be taking notes on this guy. I'm learning so much about the art of comebacks. What was his argument again?