Sunday, 30 November 2014

30/11/2014 - Twitter Madness

30/11/2014 - Twitter Madness

Joe's had a busy week, from being an asshole to some dude on twitter (see bottom) and just being a regular idiot. What's not to like...
What, he's been ignoring what people say to him on Steam, what an asshole.
Oh sweet Jesus, real fans of War hammer don't shout that.
Wrong, there is a point where you are too old for toys. Unless your a man child or a neckbeard.
Gotta get them views Joe. What's next: Joe reacts to...
You've got to be kidding me.
No it's not you dumbass, they removed video's of people exploiting the game to win matches more often. Read what they say for one.
Apparently it took him days to edit it, whatever, he just likes to take his time because he's lazy.

Be sure to keep an eye out for "Redneck Vs. Angry Joe: A Battle of Two Worlds" as you will see Joe at his worst.

1 comment:

Dragon Age: Inquisition Angry Review

Dragon Age: Inquisition Angry Review

Well it seems that Joe right after blowing Corporate Commander has went and did the review of the new Dragon Age game, and what did he do you say. Well since he probably received a mouthful from "Corporate" he probably thought that he had to return the favour, and return it he did. Joe's basically turning tricks at a gas station, if you don't know what I mean by that then use your imagination. And no, I don't mean magic tricks.

Ah, the return of "Demon Joe", just what we've always wanted. But luckily he's done away with pretty quick but we get a parody segment instead which is suffice to say...weird. Onto his actual review, he's basically showboating the entire game and it's obvious that he's being paid to say everything. For someone who considers himself the people's champion this shatters what's left of that façade. He stupidly glosses over the same sex relationships in the game and passes them off as being funny, this is both idiotic and stupid because Bioware is shoving this in your face. What's the point of having these characters when the only defining characteristic is their sexual orientation, but catering to the LGBT community seems to be a priority for some reason.

Brokeback mountain 2: The Quickening
He states that's he a fanboy and has read all of the background information and the books, I highly doubt this because if he did he wouldn't have wondered why people are speaking in a French accent in the game, this has been stated in previous games and if he actually played those he would have understood. And he doesn't even mention the choices which carry over in the game, even though he mentioned it on twitter or is it because nobody else mentioned it so he didn't. He's really all over the place in this review, jumping from one thing to another and his dialog isn't really clear cut, why is he saying lot's of lines which could easily be summed up in one. See a professional review of the game to see what I mean.

Even though he mention's bad and good stuff about the game he still gives it a 9/10 and a bad ass seal of approval. Though he did a good job of mentioning some of the game's faults and he gives a balanced review of the game, exceeding in some places but failing in many others. And how is this an Angry review when all he does is praise the game. Though coming away from this video, one can't help but think Joe is as straight as a roundabout.


Exactly, games aren't what they used to be.

Probably because he only had 7 dollars in his pocket, a man has to eat you know.

Damn right.

Exactly, he's becoming more like the complacent gamer.

So much truth in this one.
  1. So in DA2 he was upset everyone was bi but now it's ok? And there really is no point for them to be like that aside from ea saying look at us we diverse.
    1. that is probably because when he sold out you gotta suck some dicks and take it up the ass so he is at least bi (or just gay) now
  2. shit posted my comment in the wrong section XD

    should replace AngrrrryyyyyJooeeee

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Could the Advertising Standards Authority's Ruling Affect Angry Joe?

Could the Advertising Standards Authority's Ruling Affect Angry Joe?

Well if you haven't heard already the Advertising Standards Authority has told YouTube content creators to be more clear about promotional video's. The #Oreogate scandal being one of them, though it was mainly focused on video's promoting a product such as Oreo's, but could this also apply to video games. Since it is also a product and when YouTuber's create video's which are obviously promotional video's for certain games does that mean that they are also liable?

And since Joe has done video's which he did at promotional event's which he was invited to, Far Cry 4 and Dragon Age inquisition being two of them, should he be forced to say that the video is a promotional video for said game? I say yes, because he's obviously being paid by the companies to promote there products, but then again this just show's you the state of video game journalism.



  1. What happened to the Dragon Age review u posted?
    1. It's still there, refresh your page and you should see it.
  2. I wish this shit was in place back when GameGrumps made that sellout video where they were paid by EA to play the Dead Space 3 demo. As much as I hate Joe I hate Arin a million fucking times more.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

23/11/2014 - Twitter Madness

23/11/2014 - Twitter Madness

Nothing really much this week, other than the generic status updates and useless blabber.
That's probably where he get's his comedy from, that's why it's not funny.
Which means it's gonna be even longer for the review to come out.
This coming from the guy who makes money off dead people.
Even so, where's the review, it's been four days since he said this!
It's free to play for a reason dumbass.
Which means he'll need to read that since apparently he doesn't even know the lore.
Which means he'll take his sweet ass time.


  1. anyone who still was in doubt if joe sold out you just need to check out his dragon age review, he ignores all the bad stuff. Goes back to defend one of the worst games in history: dragon age 2 and of course hypes the fuck out of this new one when everybody can see that its a bad game even if you look at reactions from gamers on the internet
    1. and if you look at his facial expressions and eyes you can see he is having an extra hard time selling this one lol, he cant bring his lies convincingly anymore because this game is soooo bad XD
    2. I know, when he gave it such a high score you know he was lying threw his teeth.
  2. So in the review did he complain everyone was bi like he did in da2 review ?
  3. I just skimmed trough it at first because the game is laughable and when I heard his final verdict I just alt-f4d lol

Friday, 21 November 2014

AngryJoe Plays Farcry 4! [Arena Mode]

AngryJoe Plays Farcry 4! [Arena Mode]

Now we've got three faggots
Apparently Angry Joe's "little brother" or rather brother's are present in the background for the introduction part of the video. They look like a bunch of Justin Bieber look a likes, what is the point of showing them other than Joe letting you know they exist even though who the hell cares about his personal life. Anyway onto the actual video. Woah, a single frame of naked breasts is in the video at 1:35. Did Joe do this or did the developers do this, though remember that Joe did say on twitter that people would watch if he showed some naked people.

Why is this here? Probably trying to attract all the stupid 12 year olds.

It's basically eight minutes of Joe showing off the game's arena mode, and he is really acting like an idiot playing the game. Standing out in the open and running into the enemies faces isn't the best way to play any game, but remember that Joe is a "gamer" so take what you will from his play style. Even the commentary on the video is lacklustre and he's just shouting random stuff to get your attention like an idiot. And when he finishes the arena mode he complains that he get's nothing and says it was hard but fun. Ubisoft must be pressing him big time to pump out more video's for Farcry since he's been nice to the game and he's been advertising the game for them. I can just see the review now, he'll say bad and good stuff and say it's fun. He'll go with the average viewpoint with the game.


I know, is Joe gonna style his hair like that or will he keep his DBZ cut?


It's obvious that this video is a paid promotion. 
Take a guess, we could make a drinking game out of this.


  1. Of course it is paid promo. He prob showing brother to get more on pyramid scheme.
  2. lol is this joe's coming out now he is including faggots?
  3. So 1 week joe will be like "ass tittties, ass ass n titties"
    Week 2: SJW JOE!!!
    Week 3: Shows boob and goes crazy with drooling
    Week 4: guys we shouldnt let women be exploited as much in video games now this is nuts
    week 5: ASSASS n TITTIES

    What a fake ass hypocritical douchebag
    1. Yeah, we'll see how big of a hypocrite he is when he covers gamergate in his top 10 controversies of 2014 video.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Angry Review

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Angry Review

You know Joe threw this review together quickly when it's shorter than most of his other reviews and he barely covers major aspects of the game. That is called being lazy and inconclusive when making a review, and let's not forget he brought his bigotry with him because he obviously "reviewed" this. This is just another example of how unprofessional he is, letting his personal feeling's get in the way.

He said that he was doing the Dragon Age review but he probably realized that people would call him out for skipping another game so he deiced to slap together a half assed review. He spends more than half of the review complaining and talking about the campaign and other stupid stuff like how some woman in a power suit in the game got beaten by a guy without a power suit. Even though the scene is meant to demonstrate how someone with a suit can still get there ass handed to them, and if this happened to a guy in the game would Joe even be complaining?

His main complaints about the single player is that it's too linear but does admit that it is fun. He also complains about abilities that you use in the campaign can't be used in multiplayer, but it seems Joe has never heard of balancing. Now onto multiplayer, he barely covers it and his major complaints are that the game's spawns are erratic and it has bad net code and no dedicated servers. Even though it has hybrid servers dumbass, do your research before shouting nonsense. And he doesn't even say that the game is well balanced and had one of the smoothest launches ever, even though it was. And his final score for the game is just stupid considering he hasn't played Call of Duty in years.


He's just looking for another thing to complain about.

He's a battlefield fanboy so the answer is obvious, and I don't know what he was thinking about blowing up Bulgaria. He's just an idiot as usual.
It's because he's incompetent.
He probably barely played the game, and he hates on it because he always goes with the general opinion.


  1. With the entire woman thins joe is trying to appeal to SJW crowd so when he lies about gamergate he has them to fall back on when fans leave. He been doing this for a while.
    1. This has nothing to do with NeckbeardGate you dumbass.
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