Wow, just look at those two autistic retards, shaking their fists like it means something, and let's not forget that they're fucking pumped, they'll repeat that because they can't think of anything worthy to say. Anyway, this video is mainly an ad for you to jump to his Twitch channel to subscribe and donate to his Mexican ass. Apparently he'll be streaming 3 or 4 times a week, the same goes for Delrith as he'll be stepping up his presence as if people want to watch a piedophile and a furry play games. Joe calls more Delrith "better value" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean, it's like he's treating this as a "business".
And he's only thanking his subscribers now, wow, I mean wow. He reached the 2 million cound ages ago and he only got off his fat ass to thank you now, that says something about him, he doesn't care. And this point is even more valid as he says he'll be making more content including let's plays, movie reviews and board games. Looks like someone doesn't read the comments section, or take feedback for that matter. But he'll say that his community on twitch is the best because he gets money, I mean that's the only reason he actually does it, and we all know it. He said to also look forward to next year and all the things that will blow you away, yeah like his track record *sizzle* and jewness.
He said that the Phantom Pain review will be out in 4 or 5 days or maybe a week, he thinks games is amazing and loves every minute. Was he payed to say this or is this just me? Because it seems that way or he only played the first hour of the game, what a dumbass. He also said he might squeeze out a Mad Max review but don't count on it, he's lied before and he'll lie again, because that's what he does.
Comments Section:
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U need ta run spell check lil nigga. You so salty and jealous it burns my eyes readin the comp screen. That nigga brings in my nigga other joe ta handle more reviews and thanks people for gettin da nigga here and u still over dere cryin like a lil bitch usin those faggoty tears as lubricant while u feverishly masturbate chantin i love u joe.. i love u joe. Man nigga u one IRA butt pluggin loser my man. Now run along ta school lil nigga.
Don't you have anything better to do with your time than to pick fights in this blog? No job? School? Anything?
Im 25 and work security nigga. I switch between days an nights every other week. Why u care i like giving this whiny piece of shit a hard time. Got anything better ta do then worry bout what im doin?
Is he really telling us about his job? Nobody cares lol
Get a second job if you still have the time to harass honest people that reveal how much of a Jew Joe is.
Honest people?hahahahahahaha. Damn u niggas are clueless. every tuber man is in for one motha fuckin reason.. that green. Not a one cares about their fans but how tha niggas can make more cheddar. Honest? Paid promotion (mr blogger is cluless how indie devs work and the gamin industry as a hole) cocksucker, faggot, jew is all dis nigga spouts (clueless because da nigga just a salty kid) what exactly is this nigga honest about dick?
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It's ok my nigga. Kinda thought you were a closeted gayman. Now jus be comfortable with yerself.
If you guys want to shut up, click on this link:
What Joe SHOULD do is expand with other people. Have the others like Delrith ans other Joe take care of new shows and live streams and Joe should focus on reviews and rants THATS IT.
Joe got big for reviews and rants so breaking away and doing less of them makes zero sense. His numbers might be growing but its a bubble. Eventually of he doesn't get back to doing what he used to do...what made him YouTube famous... The fans will start to leave.
Hell I still subscribe but I watch like 1/15 videos or less. I watch is his reviews which means in terms of YouTube's analytics system is bad. A subscriber should watch 50% or more videos. I'd love to see his analytics page...
Not a half bad idea.
You see Ciaran, this is what valid criticism looks like! Take notes!
He talks about other Joe moving down so THEY can do MORE reviews.
Hey my nigga mad. You know we da same person right? Lol. You also know da blogger is yuichi_rants, dani filth, and spoony sucks right? A whole year and a half goes by and dese niggas neva speak i show hom how he be all dese people and for the first time ever him and yuichi speak to one another tryin his damndest ta make it look like they aint. Dis nigga is fun as shit to trolol. He's so bitter and salty he gettin desperate.
The only valid thing Joe could do at this point is have MadDemon and Chillock on the show.
Mr. Blogger would cream his tighty whiteys if his crush asked him on tha show. And joe wouldnt want a deranged stalker anywhere near tha nigga. Lol. Wtf u thinkin dick.
*absorbing information*
It's called Angry Joe Sucks for a reason MD.
Yes yes we know Ciaran. You gave it that title because you can't stand the fact that he has a different opinion than you.
We know. Cry us a river Ciaran. Oh wait, you've already done that.
Really? Yeah, I've totally been crying over the fact that Joe has a different opinion than me. What kind of world do you live in? You've got to be a moron to even suggest that, oh wait...you are.
We all know you can't stand me because I have an opinion about Joe, and that you've been crying a river. You don't need to deny the facts, we all know it's true.
...no...I've been pointing out that you've been crying over the fact that Joe has a different opinion than you and that you do a horrible job of hiding that fact.
And again, this "fact" about me not being able to stand that you have an opinion about Joe is completely false, because well, that's just you projecting. In truth, it's you who can't stand the fact that Joe has an opinion. That's the fact that can't be denied.
All I want you to do is tell the truth for once. Openly admit how shallow and hollow your claims are. Just tell the truth.
But what about sarcasm, Chilly? Where's the fun in that?
Man, you really are crazy.
Told you so, why you think I only respond to him once every 100 posts? Dude is bloody mental.
There's no point in denying, Chillock. Many people (including you) will get mad for having different opinions than anyone else.
You're the man-child from the very beginning. Fuckin' man up!
That's rich coming from a guy who's probably a fat neckbeard keyboard warrior, now that I think about it...that's what you probably are. Or just plain autistic.
I would cream my panties, if thi nigga chillock asked me to write on his blog. I would take it up the ass for nigga angry joe dick. I'd even pay to get fucked by both these crackas
Salty Mr. Blogger? Im so sorry i made ya cry my nigga. It's ok. Yo ass will grow out it.
Man, your weird. Writing comments on here all day and impersonating me just shows how much you can't stand me or that someone speaks out against Angry Jew.
I like this blog I think it's interesting to see someone else's point of view. If people don't agree and make fun that's fine. But Ciaran has the balls to publically say Joe does something wrong, if he could point out Joes good points more often it would make this blog more balanced. Either way Ciaran can do what he wants, I doubt people on here complaining about Ciaran will make a difference. Ciaran puts the time into this which should mean something.
This is pathetic.
If you click to view his profile you see "Ciaran" joined in September 2015. Clearly someone loves Ciaran so much they want to be him.
Totalbiscuit says what Joe does wrong. Jmi Sterling says what Joe does wrong. But they actually find legitimate things to criticize him on and do so in a constructive way.
Ciaran is just whining about Joe having a different opinion than him.
And you're whining about me having an opinion about Joe.
No, I'm pointing out that your opinion that he sucks is based off of him having a different opinion than you.
Listen, dude, turnabout is only fair play when you actually use it properly. Claiming that I am a hypocrite for pointing out how fallacious your opinion is about Joe because you claim that it's no different than what you're doing is fallacious itself, because what you're doing is whining that Joe has a different opinion than you and straight up lying about stuff he does. I'm pointing out that your logic is faulty, fallacious, and downright wrong and showing how that is. It's completely different.
Try again.
Agree with fake Confucius.
Nothing will change. Unless....if ciaran is doing an embarrassing action, a trauma for example.
I agree. Joe should actually check this blog, which he prolly does, to try and better himself. I mean he reviews games, he should respect the fact that someone reviews him.
With that said, im not a fan of the racial slurs Ciaran uses. I know he likes to use the "get a thicker skin" to defend himself, but i dont think anyone should ever have to get a thicker skin against this, especially considering whats going on in the world. And we are all diffrent and react differently to stuff like this.
Ciaran, if you read this. I like this blog. I think alot of youtubers get away with way to much bullshit to make that easy money and its good someone calls them out on it. I also like the fact you are attacking Joe's person less and less and focus more on the actual work he does.
Glad you understand HMA187, and have a balanced opinion.
As for you MD, stop your whining. It's getting pathetic at this point.
Oh yes, I'm whining. As evidenced by the fact that I'm calmly explaining how flawed and fallacious your claims are.
You're the one whining here Ciaran, not me. Why else would you feel the need to throw failures of insults at me at every turn? Because you're losing and you know it.
Losing? Far from it bro.
You know what? You're right. You are far from losing.
You lost. A long time ago.
You're just enjoying yourself, are you? Not even Jim Fucking Sterling Son can change your mind otherwise.
How dare you!
Jim Sterling's a moron, 60 FUCKING FRAMES PER SECOND!
Nice fanfiction bro, and thank you for giving me a reason to moderate the comments section from this moment onward.
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Do I get a cookie? Jk. Keep up the work dude.
Yes, you do get a cookie.
*steals cookie
*eats it
It's *munch* *munch* horrible!
*munch* *munch*
That's because it was a Mitt Romney cookie, mu ha ha ha.
*munches on Obama cookie*
Where's obama care when you need it?
In the dumpster, alongside his foreign policy. Ohhhhhh...
This reminds me when he said he would provide more content when he was going to twitch, so yea heard that before, all in all nothing will actualy change, they will provide more twitch live streams for more donations, making him cut out more of that footage to upload onto jewtube as a pretext for him adding "more content", dont get your hopes up, his reviews wont come out "faster" nor will it be "alot more" (unless your a company shilling out free trips and lodges)
All Joe does is talk his way out with promises, we'll see if he actually does anything in the future.
Fuck Delrith. He is horrible. What does Joe see in him?
Joe must have a thing for fat Furry Pedophiles.
Not to mention Delrith said:
'These two Beautiful Men!' in that expansion video.. furry faggot.
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Welp. Someone deleted his own comment.
This is what you get when you sell your soul for succes, sooner or later the devil comes back to bite you in the ass and ruin everything you had.