Another fucking sponsored (he's call's it a promo) boardgame video, if this ain't proof that he's a sellout I don't know what is. I mean if you aren't convinced at this point you might as well just listen to Eiffel 65's "Move your body" until you go numb and are forced to accept the truth.
Move your body, move your body. Everybody, come on now everybody.
If you have no idea who these guys are then I have no words to describe the anger I hold towards you, I'm being a fucking serious internet tough guy here. Anyway the video is both long and boring, and it's a sponsored content video so it's a bloody product placement video and you shouldn't even both watching any of it. Because it's Joe trying to sell you a product because he's a sellout, make sure your voice is heard in the comments section and ignore those spineless fucktards that defend Joe at every turn. Probably a bunch of basement virgins who worship the ground Joe walks on because muh video games and muh internet culture.
Uhm, this is a let's play and not a review. Seems like Joe has got his priorities straight, and by that I mean he probably got payed to do a sponsored let's play because the game is recently out. I mean his fanbase want reviews and quality content, not this crap pulled from his Twitch account to act as padding in between reviews.
And I seriously doubt he'll even review the game because this is Angry Joe we're talking about, he says he'll do one thing while he fucks off to do something else. The guy is a fraud and a walking joke at this point, and the only people who fail to realize this are the sheep that keep eating up everything he puts out because they can only parrot the opinion of another and not form their own.
But anyway let's get onto the actual video, is it worth watching or not? Heck no! It's boring, not very entertaining, pewdiepie level and Joe just plain sucks at the game like most games. This type of content shouldn't be tolerated and I hope you all are letting it rip on Twitter and on the comments section. Addios amigos.
He's going to do a reaction video to this but not anything else, fucking faggot. I ought to beat him to death with my copy of Independence Day. Argh! Anyway, onto the autism filled mother fucking "ANGRY REACTION" video. And man is Joe quite the manchild, I mean there's being excited and then there's being an autistic child on the internet who splooges all over himself because something TMNT related is being created, but at the end of the day who fucking cares about TMNT?
Get a load of Joe's reaction when he see's Megan Fox, it's like he's afraid of women or something. And does he really need to all sorts of weird and stupid facial reactions? Can't we have a proper reaction video with production values and analysis? FUCK YOU for wanting that, this is pleb Joe and you only get what you deserve because FUCK YOU GIVE ME MONEY! Whatever, this guy's a walking joke.
Wow more let's play footage, because that's what we want to see. But then again this is Joe being sponsored content Joe because he's got bills to pay (chick-a-filla) and the Mexican drug cartel or some other shit. Anyway it's only interesting if you are interested in the game at all, I'm not being it's a stupid rehash and a crippled remake at best. Just go play the fucking original you fucking retards, newfags like it more so because it's so goddamn streamlined from the original among other things. Fucking millennials.
Anyway during his let's play Joe blames the game even when he only had a 51 percent chance of hitting, sounds like Joe is salty as usual.
That's Angry Joe for you.
He's only doing that because that's what's popular to do.
A really innocent video, but if this is what Joe thinks his fanbase wants then he is wrong. They are interested in content that is worth their time and that's something Joe rarely puts out, his time and efforts right now should be on reviews and not being an ass on Twitter or being a moneyfag on Twitch. And this was recorded months ago, just pointing that out. Heck instead of watching this video just watch an Aqua music video. At least it's better than what Joe puts out, and if you don't know who they are then please leave.
And since I haven't covered some stuff from Twitter I had a look and screencapped some stuff that I saw.
Can't stump the Trump!
Man he is such a poser, he's a dragon ball fan and is only watching the original now.
So this is why he went out of Texas again, to suck corporate dick and score some brownie points with the big man. Yep, it's Angry Jew at it again. And what's he showboating this time, oh wait it's another shitty game nobody cares about but Joe will act like him and others actually care about it when in fact nobody does. Though I actually watched the whole thing since I wanted to know how Ubisoft were going to handle this caveman style game, naturally they fucked things up as usual. Anyway I guess it's worth a watch if you want to hear a little about the game but be warned that this is during a let's play so prepare to be annoyed by Joe's constant ramblings like an epileptic retard getting raped by the easter bunny.
And the guy he has "interviewing" had Guyot in his name, where's my Guyver reference damn it? Joe also had camera problems and lost stuff, way to be prepared Joe. I mean there's being Mexican and then there's being Angry Joe, I'll let you sort out which one is worse. As always, see ya later.
Jesus Christ fucking Hitler, get a load of that thumbnail. It's proof that Joe is just a general movie YouTuber with terrible thumbnails with big heads and bright letters. And what kind of reaction even is that? A fake reaction is what it is. Anyway onto the actual video:
As usual it's Joe geeking out and all that other shit, he does have some valid points about Doomsday and the plot, he also shits over Gal Gadot as expected. Basically most of the video is Joe stating that he knows better than the company making the movie, and while this is probably his ego speaking for the most part, he's also challenging his inner fanboyism because hez a nerd guyz and that's keewl.
He's a salty fish, he's a salty fish.
This shit get's tired easily, I mean you could have a well edited and produced video citing the valid points while maintaining a level of professionalism. But Joe only cares about what will get him internet views and that's an angry styled rant that is a dying fad, I mean who the hell wants to be the Angry Video Game Nerd anymore? It's also funny how everyone's picking at everything Joe said in the comments section,
Another one of these stupid videos, I'm not even going to bother watching this one. And I'm guessing he'll probably do a full video for the full trailer, oh joy. Listen if you don't like this content make sure you let your opinion be heard, you shouldn't tolerate crap content like this.
Not even 20 seconds in, and it's already a shitty review. Angry "Autism Overload" Joe proves yet again that he's a manchild, it's shit like dressing up like a clown that makes people not take him seriously. Serious talk though - I fucking hate his whole act. I fucking hate how much he exaggerates and overuses his facial muscles for exactly EVERYTHING.
It's nothing but pure sensationalism. I do know the standard for games journalism is very low, but come on - can't we find better outlets for our news and reviews? I'm really sick and tired of it, especially because it is all an act made for nothing else but to attract viewers thinking the videos SHOULD/MUST also be "SO FUNNEH XD" Seriously, even Kotaku looks good next to these types of reviews. I demand dry and stone-faced reviewers that gives you nothing but facts and well-based opinions and no, Totalbiscuit doesn't count, he's a cuck anyway. It's stupid that Joe's dumb audience thinks if you talk for a long time about subjects you could easily sum up in 60 seconds instead of one hour it somehow makes you intelligent. Quality over quantity, that's all I'm asking for. But does Joe have good points in his review, yes of course he does because even a chimp could see the flaws the game has. And it doesn't help Angry Joe's argument when he acts like a baffoon on the internet, but then again it's not like he cares about that sort of stuff because the money will come his way anyway because his fanbase are drones.
Watch this review from Angry Centaur if you want a proper review.
While not entirely Angry (Unlimited Peso's) Joe or Spoony (Noah the Jew) One or even Cinema (Bald Bastard) Snob related, I had to make a post about it because apparently people think it's worth talking about. Yes the retard himself (Linkara) actually went to the effort of making a shitty movie, and boy oh boy did he use that 60 thousand dollars wrong. I also haven't actually seen the movie since I'm not stupid enough to actually watch more than 10 seconds at a time, sorry DHI.
But at least we got this funny image, right? Anyway this movie is the perfect example of how not to be Linkara, for 60k multiple movies could have been made on a shoestring budget and probably returned some money if done properly. Heck, I could have made a professional movie with high production values with that amount of money, it wouldn't be a le ebin science fiction epik but it would be better than this crap fest.
Get a load of this autistic faggot defending himself like the nasty cock slut he is.
Oh and I'm waiting for the inevitable time Linkara comes here to defend himself, because we all know he's the type of person who googles himself. And you know what I think about this entire "movie"?
Word to the wise.
And at the end of the day who the fuck seriously cares about any of this? I have hard enough of a time giving a shit about anyone of these internet nobodies, and anybody who actually watched the entire thing might as well be a nasty cock slut themselves. Whatever, I'm out of here. Now get the fuck off my site you nasty cock slut.
Man, this review is just Angry Joe shilling the game. Some people (like me) expected Joe to rip on the game but apparently he's been paid off to promote the game and sell his soul like 99 percent of video game reviewers. Basically he says:
Bethesda steps up their game
The game is still says its worth purchase price
And he gives it an 8/10
despite shitting on everything in the game for most of the video
There's also so many sketches that were obviously made to pander to his 12 year old demographic that watches most of his video's. He also said the story holds your attention better than New Vegas, bahahahaha. No fucking shit sherlock, it directly STEALS attention from you, you are railroaded constantly like it's an amusement park
Removal of RPG
Horrible dialog
Glitchy, bug, crash prone game
Old ass engine that should have been thrown in the trash right away
NPC that interacts with the world in ways that just annoys the player
Load time up the ass
Even on powerful PC there's frame rate issues
This is why I fucking hate people that review Bethesda games. They love talking about how the gameplay is getting worse and how buggy/crash prone the game is but will always say "But I had a good time when I played it!" Is there any reviewer out there who isn't a total dude bro and can actually give a critical overview and not just be a paid hype machine for the game for easy likes? I don't think so. Unless DSP counts. Bahahahah...
Anyway the comments section is filled with people constantly shilling Joe, notably by his underaged fan base who worship him like Mexican Trump. Enough about me ranting, what do you think?
Gack! What the hell is that fur ball on the screen, oh wait that's Angry Joe. And is that Other Joe in the background surfing Mexican wrestler porn? Man, Joe and company are just getting weirder by the day. I mean he's got neckbeards and paedophiles on his show, that's just plain wrong. Chris Hanson ahoy!
Anyway Joe's working on the Fallout 4 review, he's going to throw up let's plays in the meantime, yeah because that's what we want to see. I didn't watch more than 50 seconds of the video because I ain't interested in watching shit and lazy content, and neither should you. See ya later peoples......
Apparently he's working on a super secret project, not that anyone cares because it's probably a video of him taking it up the ass from the fat bastard himself Delrith. And who the hell would want to watch that? Put your hand down MadDemon64. Anyway this is basically a filler video so people don't call him lazy for not uploading another boring video, oh wait. Just don't even bother clicking on this video, but if you do make sure to downvote and leave an ANGRY comment.
Man, it feels like ages since Joe has done a review. Mostly since all of the content in between is utter tripe no one wants to watch. And finally he's put out another review since MGS V, skipping Mad Max and other games so he can shill on Twitch and do paid promotions, champion of the people my ass.
Anyway, let's get to the actual review. It's long, boring, and he complains and gives fake anger to make a click-bait video as usual, what's new? Oh yeah, let's not forget the long, boring and drawn out sketches that he loves to make for the 12 year olds that watch his video's. Joe says this isn't the halo he "fell in love with" even though it's been different like that since Reach, not that he would know that because he's a poser. He also never finished Halo 4 (or bothered to review it) which is a crime to Halo fans everywhere, not finishing a game even though he calls himself a "critic" is just shameful, IGN and Gamespot do their jobs why can't Joe? Oh wait that's because he's lazy. Moving on. He then makes pointless statements about the microtransactions in the game, and goes off on a one sided rant like the man child he really is, microtransactions are just evil to Joe because he needs to keep up the facade that he's "angry" and relevant. He didn't even try to understand why microtransactions are in the game, that right there is plain ignorance to push his own agenda.
Remember this retarded moment.
Let's also get to the fact that he rages over split screen being removed, he gave 343 the finger in his live stream to show how much of an adult he is. He then said that splitscreen was removed to force people to buy another system (which Joe did because he's a stupid consumer) which is in fact not true, split screen was removed because it wasn't at a level which they desired, Joe never even mentioned this so he could push his version of events. He also complains about having to wait years for the sequel, as opposed to getting yearly Halo releases like COD, double standards Joe. For some reason he's putting random emphasis on random words, must be autistic. Joe says the game is closer to Call of Duty, he would already know this if he actually played Halo 4 for crying out loud. Even though he takes 20 minutes for the story he doesn't actually cover much.
He says the multiplayer has a lack of classic maps in a new game, is he stupid or something? He also hasn't played his Xbox One since last november, bahahahaha, some gaymer he is. Joe calls requisition points controversial when they are not, he spazzes out like a retard, he makes stuff up about people downvoting video's and removing comments yet doesn't give any evidence to back up his claims. And Angry Joe says he "speaks the truth", and he get's really salty when people call him out on his bullshit, Joe's such a role model. He also calls for everyone to "stop sucking 343's balls", yeah real mature Joe. His final score is 6/10 because he's a sore loser and salty as hell. Anyway screw Joe and just watch Angry Centaur's review of the game, it's below:
Angry "The Manlet" Joe is at it again, no not stealing candy from children and mugging old ladies at the 7/11. But trying to pick up chicks on Twitter of all places, I guess Tinder wasn't working out for him. Remember how Joe called Megan Fox the "biggest dumb slut of the year"? Yeah, I guess he's taken himself a fancy to murdering white women in the USA, oh wait that was that other Mexican Fox News wouldn't shut up about.
Angry Joe's got street cred.
I guess this is a new low than pretending to be a Feminist for Joe, since he's always trying to pretend that he's something he's not. And one just wonders how Joe came upon this image, did he go searching for it like the predator he probably is? And what did he mean by he would "give her some candy"? Was that supposed to be some type of sexual remark? Angry Joe at his finest people, champion of Tinder and Video Gamers everywhere. I can't wait for trump to clean his ass out of the country.
You can't stump the Trump. Though I prefer David "Pig Fucker" Cameron over Trump, just a little fyi.
And I thought Joe was gay with his paedo friend Delrith and Other Joe? Or is he bisesxual? Shit just sends chills down my spine.
Another video of Joe playing a game because it's new, sigh. And it's a "promotional video" which means he took it up the ass from Sega, the video is also over 50 minutes long and you've got to be the biggest sheep in the world if you watch even 5 minutes of it. Mark my words. Angry Joe is also a racist, because he said "I hate whites" in the video. Yeah it's okay when Joe does it because he dindu nuffin and can do no wrong. This video is a good example of Joe not giving a shit about his fans, he promises and promises but in the end talks out of his ass so he can make more Jew gold to feed his chicken addiction.
Another video made from his livestream footage, is he even trying anymore? This video just reeks unprofessionalism, derp derp need video for YouTube so people stop complaining so I'll upload an easy money rant video derpty derp. What a complete retard, all this crap was expecting from the get go and Joe crying like a child isn't going to change anything, maybe if he tried to do something to change this then people would say look at that guy but no, this is Phantom Joe who pretends to care, I mean look at him here he totally isn't sincere.
See? Even Other Joe doesn't give a shit.
If you don't preorder you don't get chaos, most people who are going to buy it are going to pre-order it in the first place! Why is he acting surprised when this has been going on for fucking forever, remember all that crap Sega did with the last couple Total War games? This is why we need (Can't Stump the) Trump or (Can't Arson) Ben Carson in American, we need them to stamp all the stupid people out of society and transcend us to a higher plane of existence. Wait, wut? How did that get there?
Another interview for a game nobody gives a crap about, sigh. Even though the interview is your usual "Angry" interview I have to mention that Joe was invited by Ubisoft to come and do this interview. I myself find these interviews boring and not interesting at all since if you were interested in the game you'd already know all of the information contained within, this video is only for the sheep to watch. If you've got a brain don't bother watching the video like me, just go and do your own thing while Joe wallows in his own shit community.
Seriously, another fucking reaction video? I'm not even going to bother watching this because you know what to expect from this lazy mexican, he should be working on a review instead of acting like a retard on the internet. But whatever all you sheep are still going to watch every second of this video anyway, I'm off ot listen to someone who knows what they're talking about. Later...
If you haven't noticed yet, Angry Joe has received massive criticism over the remarks he made in his recent Battlefront video. He's basically under a multi-pronged assault on numerous platforms:
His own forum
Social media (namely twitter)
YouTube comments section
Scroll through the comments on anyone of these places and you'll see the remarks people are making about Angry Joe. I'm not going to cover everywhere, you'll see a few examples below:
Angry Joe getting owned by a DICE employee
This is how is a DICE employee found out about Angry Joe's video, and how did he respond? Joe basically threw tons of shit his way and acted like he was all that and a chicken wing, it's funny because the DICE guy basically owned Joe in the image above, pointing out to everyone what he really is.
Criticism on the Angry Army Forum
Numerous people have pointed out that Joe isn't doing any reviews, these topics have since been closed by "fatass" Tons0fun himself. Lots of people in the battlefront thread have pointed out that Joe is making stuff up about the AJSA wanting to play the game. This is what one guy said:
Other people are bothered by the fact Joe acts like he speaks for them, he's effectively putting words into their mouths when they have a voice of their own. But the funniest thing is that people on Joe's very own forum are calling him a sellout, even they recognize what he truly is and that he's part of the problem in the gaming industry.
The YouTube comments section in general
Youtube is full of people tearing Joe a new asshole, the truth just hurts. I wonder how long it takes Joe to remove the comments section.