Sunday 13 July 2014

A week without a video...

Well it seems Joe may go into Spoony video release dates if this keeps up, Joe hasn't released a video on YouTube or a significant update on Twitter. His lack of enthusiasm with his community is a troubling thing as Joe has been less and less interested with interacting with the community other than stream on Twitch which doesn't count since only the diehard fans actually watch those long videos. He's also failed to keep his promises of reviews, updates and other videos such as the Witcher board game video which was filmed at E3 and Joe has been sitting on it until he needs an update!

Let's just wait and see how long until Joe release's a video and what that video is, my money's on either a let's play or the Witch board game video. In the meantime...twitter madness and some video's I found on YouTube, enjoy. It's at least more than what Joe's put out recently.

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